Welcome all to our 2024 observations page #2. Here you will see updates of our American Kestrels as the season progresses.

     MK. male Kestrel (aka Mr. Manitoba)      FK. female Kestrel (aka Lady Winnipeg)      H.M.K.T. Heavy Metal Kestrel Tree       K-2 Kestrel nest box            JFK. junior female Kestrel      JMK. junior male Kestrel       KP Tree poles we have installed, there are 4, click here to view.

Your will see a reference to the wheel house click here to view and also door branch click here to view.

June    11/24      FK and 5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:10am FK gone from nest box and on KP#4. 5:16am FK back on 5 nestlings. 5:37am FK out on door branch then gone MK on KP#4. 5:46am FK back with food, feeding time. 5:54am FK on dorr branch and gone. 5:58am FK back on 5 nestlings. The offical banding date of our 5 nestling will be on June 25/2024 approximately 8:30am rain or shine. Watch the live stream to see them removed and replaced with their bands. 6:29am FK out on door branch then on KP#2. 6:30am FK back on 5 nestlings. 6:48am MK food delivery FK out takes food and in feeding 5 nestlings. 7:32am Feeding over, FK out and back in. 9:00am FK out on door branch and back in, then out on door branch again and gone. 9:10am FK in on 5 nestlings. 9:43am A feeding happened and FK out with leftovers on door branch then gone. 10:00am FK in on 5 nestlings. 10:57am FK out on door branch then gone. MK on KP #4 cleaning beak. 11:04am FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings. Feeding over at 11:10am and FK on nestlings. 11:27am FK in door, out chases Grackles away from H.M.K.T. then back in on nestlings. 12:13pm until 12:33pm FK takes three brief breaks out of nest box, returning once with food to feed 5 nestlings. 12:46pm FK out on door branch, MK delivers grub and FK in feeding nestlings. 12:48pm FK out on wheel house and at 12:54pm back in on 5 nestlings. 1:04pm FK out and gone then at 1:11pm in with grub feeding nestlings. FK out on H.M.K.T. and chases Grackles away. 1:19pm FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings and feeding over at 1:26pm then FK out and gone. 1:29pm FK in with bird feeding 5 nestlings. MK in with grub then out. MK back at door with grub, FK takes it and eats grub then back to feeding 5 nestlings. 1:42pm Feeding over, FK out with leftovers and at 1:45pm back in on 5 nestlings. 2:40pm until 6:34pm Four feeding times with FK feeding 5 nestlings food and birds. FK takes six breaks out of nest box on various H.M.K.T. perches and KP poles. 6:54pm FK out on wheel house then gone. 7:08pm FK back with food feeding time, feeding over 7:14pm FK on 5 nestlings. 7:18pm FK out on door branch gets grub from MK feeds to nestlings then on door branch and gone. 7:23pm FK in with grub feeds nestlings then on door branch and gone. 7:44 FK in with food feeding time until 7:56pm then FK out with leftovers. 7:58pm FK in  then out at 8:01pm on door branch then wheel house and gone. 8:10pm FK back in with nestlings. 8:35pm FK out on door branch then gone. 8:48pm FK in and on 5 nestlings. 9:12pm FK out on door branch then back in at 9:17pm. 9:57pm FK still in on 5 nestlings asleep.

June    12/24      FK and 5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:54am FK out on door branch then gone. 5:59am FK in with food, feeding time. 6:08am MK on KP#3 with food. 6:09am MK delivers food to FK, feeding time. 6:57am FK not in nest box. 7:17am FK back with grub. 7:26am FK out and meets MK on KP#4 MK gives her food then FK in nest box feeding time, MK flies to nearby tree. 7:41am feeding over FK out and gone. 7:43am MK looks in on nestlings then on door branch and gone. 7:46am FK in on 5 nestlings. 8:39am FK out then in with food, feeding time. 8:41am feeding time over, FK out and gone. 8:48am FK out on door branch then gone. 9:16am nestlings still alone. 10:20am FK feeding time. 10:25am feeding time over, FK out on door branch then gone. 10:40am FK in with grub then out on door branch then to KP#4. 10:41am until 11:50am FK and MK hunt for grubs on KP poles and nearby perches. FK feeds nestlings four grubs and MK feeds nestlings five grubs. 12:08pm FK in briefly to check on nestlings then out. MK on KP #4. 12:23pm FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings and feeding over at 12:34pm then FK on nestlings. 1:07pm FK out on door branch then gone. 1:13pm until 2:40pm FK feeds 5 nestlings food once and six grubs. 3:08pm until 5:00pm FK feeds 5 nestlings food three times. FK spending more time out of nest box. 5:24pm until 5:55pm MK and FK feed five grubs to nestlings. FK feeds 5 nestlings food once. 6:43pm until 9:10pm FK out of nest box a few times and twice when back in feeds 5 nestlings food. 9:46pm FK with 5 nestlings.

June    13/24      FK and 5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:05am FK gone from nest box. 5:15am FK back in nest box. 5:36am FK out on door branch. 5:43am FK in checks on 5 nestlings the out on door branch from 5:44am to 5:48am FK delived 5 grubs. 6:19am FK out the back with food, feeding time until 6:28am FK out with leftovers and at 6:32am back in on 5 nestlings. 7:25am FK out and at 7:41am in feeding a grub. 8:08am FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings and feeding over at 8:11am then FK on nestlings. 8:42am FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings and feeding over at 8:48am then FK out and gone. 8:51am FK in and out then at 9:02am back in on 5 nestlings. 9:05am until 11:02m MK and FK grub hunting on KP poles and hydro wire and feed fifteen grubs to nestlings. FK feeds 5 nestlings food twice. 11:18am until 12:53pm FK spending time on nestlings and out of nest box on nearby tree and KP #2. 1:19pm until 5:35pm FK and MK feed five grubs to nestlings. FK feeds food to 5 nestlings once and on nestlings a couple of times. 6:13pm until 8:58pm MK and FK feed nine grubs to nestlings. FK feeds 5 nestlings food twice and on nestlings a couple of times. FK continues to spend more time out of nest box. 9:30pm FK in on 5 nestlings. 10:20pm FK still in nest box with 5 nestlings.

June    14/24      FK and 5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:10am FK gone from nest box. 5:25am FK feeds nestlings six grubs and at 5:36am back in on 5 nestlings. 6:05am FK in door then gone. 6:25am FK on door branch then in with grub and feeds nestlings. FK out hunting from KP #4. 6:43am FK on door branch then back to KP #4. 6:52am FK feeds nestlings four bugs/grubs from KP #4. 7:06am FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings. 7:32am FK out on door branch and gone then at 7:45am back on door branch. 7:51am FK in, eats grub and out on wheel house then on KP #4. 8:38am until 9:53am FK feeds five grubs to nestlings. 10:58am until 3:31pm FK and MK feed twenty-seven grubs to nestlings. FK feeds nestlings two dragonflies and food twice. FK continues to spend more time out of nest box hunting on H.M.K.T. and KP poles. 3:49pm until 6:32pm FK and MK feed fifteen grubs to nestlings and three dragonflies. FK feeds 5 nestlings food once. 6:57pm FK feeds nestlings one grub. 7:54pm FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings and feeding over at 8:03pm then FK out. 9:24pm FK in and cleaning 5 nestlings. 9:55pm FK still in nest box with 5 nestlings.

June    15/24      FK and 5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 4:55am FK already out of nest box. 5:04am until 8:45am FK hunting from wheel house and KP poles. FK feeds nestlings nineteen bugs/grubs/beetles. MK delivers one grub to nestlings. FK in once with food feeding 5 nestlings. FK feeds nestlings one dragonfly. 9:35am until 11:56am FK feeds nestlings nineteen bugs/grubs/beetles. FK in once with food feeding 5 nestlings. 2:34pm until 5:58pm FK and MK feed nestlings twenty-one bugs/grubs/beetles and four dragonflies. FK in once with food feeding 5 nestlings. 7:30pm until 9:46pm FK feeds nestlings ten bugs/grubs. FK in nest box a couple of times checking on nestlings, out on door branch and gone. 9:55pm FK in with 5 nestlings then at 9:57pm back out on door branch. 10:05pm FK in nest box with 5 nestlings.

June    16/24      FK and 5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:50am FK was out of nest box, did not see what time she was gone. 6:07am until 6:59am FK fed nestlings with grubs, bugs, beetles 16 times MK only once at 6:38am. 7:10am FK in with vole, feeding time. 7:19am feeding time over FK out. FK was hunting mostly from KP#4. 7:33am FK on KP#2. 8:05am until 9:42am FK feeds nestlings nine bugs/grubs/beetles. FK in with food, rippes at it a little then out and leaves it with 5 nestlings. Two nestlings picking at food and then 20 minutes later FK in, gets the food she left and feeding 5 nestlings. 10:36am until 12:47pm FK feeds nestlings twenty-one bugs/grubs/beetles. FK feeds 5 nestlings food once and a dragonfly once. MK in with dragonfly and leaves it with nestlings, FK in and feeds it to 5 nestlings. 12:56pm until 3:05pm FK feeds nestlings thirty bugs/grubs/beetles. MK in with dragonfly and leaves it with nestlings, FK in and feeds it to 5 nestlings. MK in with beetle, out and back in looking at nestling eating it and out then FK in and takes beetle from nestling and feeds it to nestlings. 3:10pm until 4:40pm FK and MK feed nestlings seventeen bugs/grubs/beetles. MK delivers dragonfly to FK to feed nestlings. FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings. 5:49pm until 9:38pm FK and MK feed nestlings bugs/grubs/beetles five times. FK feeds 5 nestlings food three times and after last feeding out on door branch. 9:56pm FK in nest box with 5 nestlings. 10:05pm FK still with 5 nestlings asleep.

June    17/24      FK and 5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 4:49am FK out of nest box, did not see when she left. 5:29am until 5:58am FK feeds nestlings three bugs/grubs/beetles. 6:42am until 7:47am FK feeds nestlings six bugs/grubs/beetles. 9:57am until 1:34pm FK and MK feed nestlings thirty-two bugs/grubs/beetles. FK feeds nestlings two dragonflies. FK in with food twice feeding 5 nestlings. MK in with food, nestlings grabbing and MK out then FK in feeding 5 nestlings. 2:05pm until 2:07pm FK and MK feed nestlings three bugs/grubs/beetles. 2:12pm MK in with bird, FK in and MK out then FK feeding 5 nestlings until 2:23pm. 3:30pm until 5:00pm FK feeds nestlings six bugs/grubs/beetles. 6:34pm until 8:57pm FK feeds nestlings nine bugs/grubs/beetles. 8:58pm MK in nest box looks at nestlings and out when nestlings chatter at him. 9:37pm FK in on nestlings and at 9:39pm out on door branch. 9:53pm FK back in then out and gone. 10:22pm FK still gone, 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    18/24       5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. Their first night alone. 5:21am FK in checks on 5 nestlings then is hunting from KP#2. FK wet from rain all night. 5:57am until 8:30am FK feeds nestlings twenty-five bugs/grubs/beetles. MK feeds nestlings one bug. 8:32am FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings until 8:34am then out and gone. 8:54am until 1:21pm FK feeds nestlings eleven bugs/grubs/beetles. MK delivers a vole to FK, FK feeds 5 nestlings. MK in leaves bird with nestlings then out, FK in and feeds bird to 5 nestlings. FK in with food twice feeding 5 nestlings. 2:00pm until 7:39pm FK feeds nestlings eight bugs/grubs/beetles. FK feeds 5 nestlings food four times. After one of the feedings FK out with leftovers and stores in nearby evergreen, then a few hours later delivers leftovers to nestlings. 7:56pm FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings then out and gone. 9:56pm FK gone, 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    19/24       5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. The offical banding date of our 5 nestling will be on June 25/2024 approximately 8:30am rain or shine. Watch the live stream to see them removed and replaced with their bands. 5:26am FK looks in on 5 nestlings. 5:32am FK in with nestlings. 5:41am FK starts insect hunting. 6:11am FK in with bird, feeding time. 6:24am MK on KP#4. 7:22am FK on KP #4 and by 8:44am has fed nestlings nine insects. 8:45am FK in with vole, feeding time. 10:12am FK in with vole, feeding time. 10:24am FK feeds dragonfly to nestlings. 10:50am MK in and leaves bird with nestlings and at 10:59am FK in feeding it to 5 nestlings. 11:26am until 1:47pm FK feeds nestlings eighteen insects and MK delivers two insects to nestlings. 1:54pm MK in with bird, nestling grabs it and MK out. Nestlings picking at it then getting pieces ripped off and eating. 2:26pm FK in, takes the bird and feeding 5 nestlings. 2:31pm until 3:30pm FK feeds nestlings eleven insects, including one dragonfly that the nestlings now want to eat on their own. 4:00pm until 6:46pm FK and MK feed nestlings six insects. FK in with bird feeding 5 nestlings. 7:44pm FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings, out on wheel house then gone. 10:00pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    20/24       5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:43am FK in three times with insects. 8:04am FK in with a piece of food. 8:14am MK in and leaves bird with nestlings then at 8:22am FK in feeding it to the 5 nestlings. 11:34am until 12:40pm FK and MK feed nestlings twenty-one insects and MK was also in with 5 dragonflies. MK in and leaves food with nestlings then FK in and tries to take it from nestling, nestling grabs it back and FK out. 3:02pm FK in with food, nestling grabs it and FK out then at 3:06pm FK back in, takes the food and feeding 5 nestlings. 3:02pm until 3:56pm FK and MK feed nestlings six insects. 4:06pm until 7:28pm FK feeds nestlings six insects, including one dragonfly. MK in with four dragonflies and leaves food once that FK feeds to 5 nestlings. FK in with food twice feeding 5 nestlings. 8:12pm until 8:30pm FK feeds nestlings three insects. 9:51pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    21/24       5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. from 5:49am to about 6:09am KK has delivered 11 insects and is hunting from the KP#4. 6:46am MK tries to deliver large bird to nest box, took him 3 attempts ( this is due to size and weight of the kill ) to get to the 5 nestlings, then FK went in and feed them. This large bird situation has happened several times and is the first year we have witnessed these larger bird kills. We attribute this action to the lack of voles/mice this season. 7:00am MK in and checks on 5, FK still on KP#4 then FK on wheel house. 7:30am until 7:34am FK checks on nestlings twice. 7:44am until 9:55am FK feeds nestlings fifteen insects and in once feeding food to 5 nestlings. 11:39am until 3:38pm FK and MK feed nestlings twenty-seven insects, including nine dragonflies. MK in and leaves food with nestlings four times, once FK came in after and fed the food to 5 nestlings. FK in with food once feeding nestlings and once dropped off a tidbit. 4:40pm until 5:05pm FK in with one insect and one dragonfly. MK in with dragonfly. FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings. 5:55pm until 7:58pm FK and MK feed nestlings nine insects. MK in and leaves food with nestlings then FK in, gets food and feeding 5 nestlings. FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings. 8:59pm FK briefly on wheel house and gone. 10:00pm FK still gone, 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    22/24       5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:40am FK drops off bird in nest box, nestlings are ripping it apart on their own. 5:48 FK on KP#4 hunting. 5:48am until 9:09am FK in, takes leftover bird and feeds 5 nestlings. FK gives nestlings twenty insects. FK drops off a tidbit of food for nestlings. 10:10am until 12:30pm FK and MK give nestlings twelve insects. MK in and leaves food for nestlings twice. FK in with food feeding 5 nestlings, MK in door with dragonfly and leaves with it. 2:03pm until 4:12pm FK gives nestlings six insects and MK gives them four dragonflies. FK and MK are not always entering the box with insects, most are being dropped off to the nestlings from the door. FK in with food and leaves it for nestlings to eat on their own. MK in with food and leaves it for nestlings to eat on their own. 4:28pm until 9:19pm FK and MK give nestlings five insects. MK in with food four times and leaves food for nestlings to eat on their own. FK in with food once feeding 5 nestlings. 9:50pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    23/24       5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. To all that are emailing in their guesses for the sex of our 5 nestlings, the deadline is June 24/2024 midnight. The results will be posted on June 25/2024 after the banding and confirmation of sex of the 5 nestlings. 5:30am MK drops off bird to nestlings then on KP#4 until 6:01am. 6:03am FK delivers 3 grubs then on door branch, wheel house and KP#4. 8:15am until 5:12pm FK and MK deliver thirty-three insects to the nestlings. FK and MK each deliver food once, leaving it for nestlings to eat on their own. Nestlings are aware that food deliveries come from the entrance hole and one nestling was jumping at the ledge after FK left the nest box. 5:24pm until 9:00pm FK and MK deliver eighteen insects to the nestlings. One nestling jumps at the ledge and grabs it. 9:40pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    24/24       5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:59am FK delivers food, the nestlings are attacking and fighting with FK for the food, after several attempts to get the food away from nestlings she begins to give all their share. 6:08am Feeding over and FK on hydro wire. 6:13am FK on KP #1, gets a beetle and eats it. 6:17am FK delivers insect to nestlings and at 6:20am goes in to get leftovers to feed 5 nestlings. 6:22am until 7:19am FK and MK deliver seven insects to nestlings. 10:09am MK delivers a vole to nestlings and at 10:45am delivers a bird. 12:49pm FK delivers food to nestlings. 1:07pm FK delivers two insects to the nestlings. 1:46pm until 2:25pm MK delivers food three times and FK delivers food once. 2:43pm until 4:33pm MK delivers insects twice, and FK delivers food once. 4:59pm until 8:10pm FK and MK deliver food three times. FK in shortly after a food delivery to feed 5 nestlings, then out leaving leftovers for the nestlings to eat on their own. MK delivers four insects to the nestlings. 10:00pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    25/24       5 nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. Today is banding day ! Banding procedures will start between 8:30 and 9am. Watch the live stream to see the 5 nestlings removed and placed back in the nest box wearing their bands. 5:55am FK arrives and checks on 5 nestlings, then is hunting from KP#4. 5:56am until 7:19am FK and MK deliver twenty-seven insects to nestlings and several food drop offs. Well the banding took place and all went well. These 5 nestlings were a feisty group. The official sexes are 4 males and 1 female. Congratulations to Laurie from Bettendorf, Iowa, USA for guessing correctly. 9:15am MK delivers insect to nestlings a few minutes after nestlings were back in the nest box after banding happened. 10:47am until 4:44pm FK and MK deliver thirteen insects to the nestlings. MK and FK each deliver food one time and one tidbit. 6:25pm until 7:35pm MK delivers three insects to the nestlings and food once. 9:00pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    26/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. We will have video and photos from the banding up by JULY 1/2024, stay tuned for the link on this page and the 2024 information page. 6:07am until 7:09am FK delivers three insects and one tidbit to the nestlings. 7:43am MK delivers food. 8:10am MK delivers a bird. 8:52am FK delivers an insect. 8:57am MK delivers food. 9:26am MK delivers an insect. 10:39am MK delivers a vole. MK and FK spending time hunting from KP poles and nearby hydro wire. 10:40am until 1:17pm FK delivers ten insects. 1:18pm FK in with food and out on wheel house, at 1:20pm back in and gets food then feeding 5 nestlings. 1:30pm FK out on door branch, leaving some leftovers in the nest box for the nestlings to eat on their own. 1:40pm until 6:20pm FK and MK deliver twelve insects to the nestlings and food three times. 7:04pm until 8:44pm MK delivers one insect and there are two food delivers to the nestlings. 10:02pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    27/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:36am until 8:40am FK delivers fourteen insects to nestlings. 11:44am until 12:40pm MK delivers six insects to nestlings. 12:41pm MK in with food. 12:56pm FK delivers an insect. 2:05pm until 4:30pm FK and MK deliver six insects to nestlings. 4:44pm JMK on ledge. 4:47pm JMK on ledge looking out door. 4:48pm JFK clinging onto ledge. The nestlings are doing a lot of wing flapping today and there have been several attempts to get up on the ledge. 5:14pm MK delivers food. 6:01pm until 6:12pm FK and MK deliver three insects to nestlings. 8:06pm until 8:30pm FK delivers two insects to the nestlings and food once. 9:45pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

June    28/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. The 5 nestlings are now sleeping tucked in heads like FK and MK. Banding photos and video now available on information page click here to view. 6:25am until 7:15am FK delivers five insects. 12:06pm FK delivers insect and at 12:55 delivers food. 1:00pm until 5:00pm No updates due to internet and computer issues. 5:10pm MK delivers bird. 5:20pm until 7:00pm MK delivers three insects to nestlings. 8:12pm MK delivers food. 9:50pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box sleeping tucked in.

June    29/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. We will not be cleaning the cameras any more due to a disturbance may cause a premature fledge. 6:24am MK delivers food then on KP#4. 6:45am FK starts insect deliveries then on KP#2. 6:45am until 9:30am FK and MK deliver nine insects and food twice. JMK in door and pushed back in when FK delivers an insect. 10:38am until 10:52am MK delivers food twice. 11:33am until 11:44am FK and MK deliver seventeen insects and MK delivers food once. 1:25pm until 4:12pm FK and MK deliver sixteen insects and food four times. 4:24pm MK delivers a bird. 4:58pm MK delivers a bird. 5:12pm until 6:30pm FK delivers thirteen insects. 7:48pm MK delivers an insect. 9:30pm 5 nestlings in nest box huddled together.

June    30/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. We will not be cleaning the cameras any more due to a disturbance may cause a premature fledge. 5:54am until 8:03am FK delivers three insects and MK delivers a bird. 8:13am JMK in door. 8:48am until 9:40am MK delivers food twice and FK delivers food once. 10:05am MK delivers food. 9:44am until 10:49am FK delivers seven insects. 11:23am until 12:49pm FK delivers eight insects and MK delivers food three times. 11:55am and again at 12:18pm JMK in door. 1:12pm FK continues to hunt insects, giving nestlings eleven insects. 5:05pm until 7:57pm FK delivers food twice and delivers four insects. MK delivers food once. 1:55pm until 8:30pm The majority of this time a JMK was in the door and as soon as one went back down into the nest box another would go in the door. JMKs started the afternoon with a few minutes each time and increased to several minutes. A couple of JMKs easily get up in the door and lean out. Nestlings will start to fledge (leave the nest box) any day now. 9:37pm MK delivers food. 10:25pm 5 nestlings alone in nest box huddled together.

July    01/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. We will not be cleaning the cameras any more due to a disturbance may cause a premature fledge. 5:30am until 8:05am FK delivers ten insects and food once. MK delivers food twice and insect once. 8:12am MK gets a female Red-winged Blackbird, plucks it and at 8:28am delivers to nestlings. 9:35am FK delivers another four insects before it begins raining. 10:00am until 1:00pm Nestlings sleeping and preening with not much interest in the door during the rain. 1:17pm until 6:39pm FK delivers eight insects and a worm. MK delivers food three times. MK at door when JMK was in door then MK on H.M.K.T. branches before flying away. JMKs were active in the door most of this time and very vocal, especially after a food delivery or when MK or FK looked in or sat on H.M.K.T. 7:43pm MK delivers food. 7:50pm JMK in door and at 8:07pm back down with others. 8:35pm MK delivers food. 9:30pm 5 nestlings in nest box huddled together.

July    02/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. A new MK video on our YOU-TUBE PAGE click here to link. 5:35am until 7:00am FK delivers twelve insects. JMK in door. FK on KP #4 drying her feathers. MK delivers a bird then on KP #4 drying his feathers. MK delivers an insect. 7:30am JMK in door calling, MK on KP #4. 7:40am FK delivers an insect. 7:51am 2 JMKs in door. Lots of interest in the door with JMKs back and forth and a couple of times 2 in the door at once. 8:18am 2 JMKs in the door until 8:32am when MK arrives and delivers food. 8:37am until 9:30am FK delivers six insects. 8:43am JMK in door, FK on wheel house then flies to KP #4 and JMK now sees FK and calling. 9:46am JMK fledges and lands on door branch. JMK tries to get back to the door and down to the ground, walks around and heads toward bushes near H.M.K.T. 10:13am until 12:30pm FK and MK deliver sixteen insects. 10:28am 2 JMKs in door, MK on nearby hydro wire. 11:45am FK hunting insects from KP poles, JMKs in door watching FK and calling. 12:40pm MK delivers food. 12:46pm until 3:30pm FK delivers thirty-nine insects. JMKs constantly in door watching FK on KP poles and at times there are two JMKs in door. 2:30pm JFK tries to get in door but a JMK is there, then at 2:36pm JFK briefly on ledge. 3:14pm 2 JMKs in door, FK on wheel house and JMK fledgling on ground under H.M.K.T. 3:16pm JMK fledgling climbing up H.M.K.T. and jumping between branches then makes it onto the roof and preening. 3:30pm FK delivers food. JMK fledgling slips off roof, lands on camera cable and starts his climb up again. 3:41pm JMK fledgling back in H.M.K.T. nest box. 3:43pm until 4:20pm FK delivers eleven insects. 4:02pm FK or MK delivers food. 4:40pm until 7:41pm FK delivers sixteen insects. MK delivers food five times. 10:10pm 5 nestlings in nest box huddled together.

July    03/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. A new MK video on our YOU-TUBE PAGE click here to link. 5:30am-6:00am Possible food delivery, or nestlings were eating leftovers from last evening. 6:56am JMK in door. 7:47am FK lands on nearby tree with big vole and preparing it for delivery. 7:51am FK on door branch with vole, MK delivers vole to nestlings. 8:19am until 10:10am FK delivers nine insects, hunting on KP #4. 10:38am MK delivers one insect and on KP #4, FK on nearby hydro wire. 12:36pm until 12:48pm MK delivers food. MK on KP #2, flies to nearby hydro wire and chases crow away from research area then looks in on 5 nestlings. 1:22pm FK delivers two insects. 1:50pm JMK out on door branch and another JMK in door watching. 2:10pm JMK back in nest box. 2:16pm FK delivers two insects. 2:43pm until 2:52pm JMK out running around on H.M.K.T. branch then goes back in nest box. 2:55pm JMK out again on door branch and back in nest box. 2:59pm FK delivers four insects. 3:09pm until 3:16pm JMK out again on door branch and back in nest box. 3:21pm until 3:23pm JMK out again on door branch and back in nest box. 4:59pm until 5:10pm JMK out again on door branch and back in nest box. 5:15pm JMK out on door branch and at 5:18pm MK delivers food then on KP #2. JMK still out and jumps and flaps to branches. Tries to go back in but doesn't get past a JMK in door and down he goes to a branch at the bottom of H.M.K.T. JMK climbs and flaps back up to door branch, tries to go back in with 2 JMKs in door, holds on the outside of nest box and pushes in. During this time MK was on KP #4. 5:42pm until 8:35pm JMK out on door branch seven times this evening, he stretched and preened with his longest outings 35 and 26 minutes. Other JMKs constantly in door and a couple of times 2 JMKs cooperated and shared the door. During this time FK and MK delivered two insects and food two times. 9:45pm 5 nestlings in nest box huddled together.

July    04/24       5 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. A new MK video on our YOU-TUBE PAGE click here to link. Banding photos and video now available on information page click here to view. 5:39am JMK in door then out on door branch and at 5:42am back in. 6:22am JMK in door. 6:54am MK delivers food then on KP #4. 7:48am until 8:15am JMK out on door branch then flies to different branches on H.M.K.T. and roof. 8:16am From H.M.K.T. branch JMK #1 takes his offical first flight to nearby tree, a true fledge. 8:16am MK on a different nearby tree watching JMK, flies to him and then back to original tree. 8:59am MK chases a Female Northern Flicker away from K-2 nest box. FK delivers insect. 9:15am Food delivery. 9:41am MK delivers insect. 9:54am until 10:02am FK delivers three insects. 10:03am JMK #2 out on door branch. 10:26am FK delivers insect, JMK in door and JMK on door branch excited, lots of wing flapping and JMK in door slipping out but gets back in. 10:36am JMK #2 tries to get back in, another JMK in door won’t move and JMK #2 falls down and lands on camera cable. JMK #2 climbs up H.M.K.T. branch, tries to fly onto another branch and down again to a lower branch. JMK #2 climbing up again. 10:46am MK delivers food. JMK #2 on lower branch flies to another branch and then gets back to door branch. 10:48am JMK #2 tries to get in door, clings on outside of box and pushes past JMK in door. JMK #2 back in nest box. 10:55am FK delivers five insects. 11:07am JMK in door, MK lands on H.M.K.T. with vole then gives vole to JMK and in box eating. 11:22am until 12:30pm FK delivers ten insects. 11:40am JMK #2 out on door branch. 11:42am food delivery. 11:48am JFK in door, back in box and up in door again.12:10pm MK delivers food to JFK in door. 12:30pm FK gives JMK on door branch an insect. 1:00pm JMK #2 still out, under box. 1:20pm JMK #1 and JMK #2 out. 1:23pm JMK #1 in and out of box. 1:25pm until 1:38pm FK feeds six insects to JMKs on H.M.K.T. and delivers five insects to nestlings in box. 1:45pm JMK #2 on roof and back in box at 1:50pm then back out again on door branch and gets fed an insect from FK. 2:24pm FK delivers food. 2:27pm 2 JMKs on roof. 2:39pm MK delivers food, JMK #1 on roof calling and MK gone then JMK #1 goes in box and eating food. JMK #2 laying down on roof. 2:52pm JMK #1 finished eating and back out. 3:16pm JMK #2 jumping and flapping down from roof, misses door branch and falls down to lower branch then climbs/flaps back up to door branch. JFK in door watching. 3:28pm Rain shower is coming, JMK #2 back in box and JMK #1 on roof. 3:36pm JMK #1 flies to nearby tree. 3:40pm JMK #1 lands on H.M.K.T. roof in heavy rain shower then makes his way under nest box. FK goes in K-2 nest box for duration of rain shower and at 4:23pm gone from K-2 box. 4:25pm JMK #1 soaking wet under box, JMK #2 out on door branch. 4:30pm until 5:10pm FK delivers twelve insects. JMK #2 back in box and at 5:04pm back out on door branch. 5:35pm FK delivers three insects. 5:35pm JMK #1 with vole on door branch then goes in box with vole and eating. 5:46pm JMK #1 out on door branch, JMK #2 on door branch then under box. 5:55pm JMK #2 slips and falls to the ground, tries to climb and flap his way back up and falls to the ground two more times then finally makes his way back under the box. 6:48pm FK gives JMK #1 a vole on door branch, JMK #1 takes it in the box to eat. 6:54pm JMK #1 finished eating and out on door branch with JMK #2. 7:25pm JMK #2 in box and at 7:33pm JMK #1 flies out of research area. 8:00pm FK delivers insect. 8:12pm FK on nearby hydro wire then flies out of research area. 10:25pm 4 nestlings in nest box. Today's detailed observations show how active the young kestrels are once the fledge occurs and how busy it is for FK and MK to care for their young during this vulnerable stage.

July    05/24       4 banded nestlings stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. #1 fledge has slept elsewhere. A new MK video on our YOU-TUBE PAGE click here to link. Banding photos and video now available on information page click here to view. We will resort back to condensed version of observations today. 7:20am JMK fledgling #1 on H.M.K.T. greeting the others. 8:27am JMK fledgling #1 laying on roof. JMK #2 has been out twice on H.M.K.T. and on roof with JMK #1. 8:32am JMK #2 takes his offical first flight to nearby tree, a true fledge. 8:44am MK delivers food. 9:36am JMK #3 out and falls to the ground then starts to climb back up. Tries to fly onto another branch and down landing on the camera cable. Starts the climb again resting on a branch for a while then flies onto another branch and at 9:59am is under the box. 9:36am until 10:47am JMK fledgling #1 is flying very well and explores numerous perches in research area, H.M.K.T. branches and the roof. JMK #3 jumping/flapping between branches and the roof. FK delivers seven insects to nestlings in the box and gives an insect to JMK #3 on the roof. 11:06am JMK #3 takes his offical first flight to nearby tree, a true fledge. 11:22am until 12:05pm MK delivers two insects to nestlings in the box. MK on KP #4 with a vole calling and flies with the vole to nearby tree where JMK #2 fledgling flew to. FK delivers food to nestlings in the box. 2:05pm food delivery to nestlings in the box. 2:23pm JMK #4 out on door branch. 2:42pm JMK #4 slips off door branch and down to the bottom of H.M.K.T. Starts climbing and flapping back up, tries to fly onto another branch and down but catches a rope that’s tied on H.M.K.T. Climbs and flaps up the rope and uses steal pole to get back up under the box. Slips down a little and climbs up again and at 3:46pm back up under the box. 3:46pm JFK out on door branch. FK on door branch with insect, goes in and out of H.M.K.T. JFK no longer on H.M.K.T., it’s unknown if she slipped off or flew. 4:03pm until 6:37pm FK and MK delivering insects to JMKs on H.M.K.T., one time a vole was delivered and JMK went in the box to eat it and another JMK followed him in to get some. 8:58pm vole delivery to 2 JMKs on H.M.K.T., they eat it under the box and at 9:07pm one JMK flies to nearby tree. 9:13pm JMK #4 in nest box alone.

July    06/24       1 (JMK #4) banded nestling stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 4 fledglings have slept elsewhere. A new MK video on our YOU-TUBE PAGE click here to link. Banding photos and video now available on information page click here to view. 5:06am we are in the blind. 5:19am MK on nearby tree and at 5:35am delivers a vole to JMK #4 in the box. 6:24am JMK on H.M.K.T. 6:50am JMK #4 in door and at 6:62am out on door branch. 7:11am MK on nearby tree again. 7:19am JMK #4 takes his official first flight to nearby tree, a true fledge. All five nestlings have now fledged and wish the fledglings (4 JMKs, 1 JFK) a safe journey in this next stage of life. 7:22am JMK on evergreen then at 7:26am flies to H.M.K.T. 7:36am JFK on evergreen and flies to nearby tree. Her flying ability confirms that yesterday afternoon was her true fledge. 8:44am MK with vole on KP #4 and delivers to JMK on nearby tree. 9:01am JMK on H.M.K.T. 9:12am FK gives JMK a vole on KP #4 and he flies with it to evergreen to eat. 9:35am JMK spent time on perches in research area, hunting on the ground and then flies to nearby tree. 10:00am we are no longer in the blind. 10:23am until 10:37am JMKs back and forth on H.M.K.T. 10:44am 3 JMKs seen at the same time, on H.M.K.T and nearby hydro wire. 10:49am until 11:20am FK gives insect to JMK on H.M.K.T., MK gives a bird to 2 JMKs under H.M.K.T. 11:49am 4 JMKs seen at the same time, on H.M.K.T. and KP #4. 12:20pm bird delivery to JMK on H.M.K.T. and he takes it under the box to eat. FK and MK are regularly delivering food on the H.M.K.T. 2:05pm 2 JMKs still on H.M.K.T., going between door branch and sitting under box. 3:50pm 2 JMKs gone from H.M.K.T. 4:40pm JMK lands on H.M.K.T. with food, stores it under box then on door branch. 5:00pm JMK lands on H.M.K.T. with piece of bird, eating it under box. 6:37pm 2 JMKs still on H.M.K.T. 6:47pm and again at 7:15pm JMK in H.M.K.T. nest box, looks around and out on door branch. 8:00pm no kestrels in research area.

July    07/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5 fledglings have slept elsewhere. A new MK video on our YOU-TUBE PAGE click here to link. Banding photos and video now available on information page click here to view.  5:10am We are in the blind. 5:40am until 8:35am Kestrels are not in immediate research area. At various times MK, FK and 2 JMKs are on several different nearby trees. MK is hunting and harassed by Grackles. 10:20am 2 JMKs on H.M.K.T. then on another perch in research area and on the roof. 10:30am until 10:45am 2 JKs playing on KP #4. MK close by on nearby tree with another JK. 10:56am until 11:14am 3 JMKs and JFK together on nearby tree. FK lands on another tree close by. We're no longer in the blind. 11:35am JMK on KP #4. 5:32pm JMK on H.M.K.T., MK on KP #3. 5:45pm JMK now on KP #4 and FK gives him an insect. 6:09pm FK on wheel house eating a Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel. 8:30pm no kestrels in research area. The kestrel family seems to be spending time in several trees about 300 to 400 feet from research area.

July    08/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5 fledglings have slept elsewhere. The 3 camera HD live stream will end on July 9/2024. 5:20am We are in the blind. 5:52am until 6:07am 2 JMKs on nearby tree then a third JMK joins them. MK on another tree close by with a vole. FK flies over the blind. 6:54am 4 JMKs are now on nearby trees. 7:00am until 9:00am MK hunting on hydro wire and nearby tree. FK on various trees. MK delivers a vole to JMK on nearby tree and another JMK flies and sits next to him watching him eat. JMK eating then JFK comes out from behind leaves on the same tree, starts pulling the vole away from JMK then gets it and takes it back behind leaves. 2 JMKs continue to perch together on nearby tree, preening and watching other birds and insects. Junior Kestrels were not in the immediate research area this morning. 9:14am We’re no longer in the blind. 9:00pm no kestrels in research area.

July    09/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5 fledglings have slept elsewhere. The 3 camera HD live stream will end on July 9/2024. 8:00am until 9:30am Filming Kestrels in nearby yard trees 300-400 feet away from H.M.K.T. nest box. FK and MK making multiple food delivers to Junior Kestrels. 4 JMKs and JFK perched together on trees. Junior Kestrels spending some time now on the ground hunting insects. Junior Kestrels are all flying very well and at times seen chasing after FK and MK.

July    10/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5 fledglings have slept elsewhere.  We are currently working on a new you-tube channel dedicated to Kestrels. Stay tuned in the future for launch and link. This may take some time so please be patient. 7:00am until 9:00am Filming Kestrels in nearby yard trees 300-400 feet away from H.M.KT. nest box. MK making multiple food delivers to Junior Kestrels. 3 JMKs and JFK perched together on tree.

July    11/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5 fledglings have slept elsewhere. 6:31am K looks in K-2 nest box then on nearby hydro wire. 7:00am until 8:38am Filming Kestrels in nearby yard trees 300-400 feet away from H.M.K.T. nest box. FK and MK making multiple food delivers to Junior Kestrels. JMKs and JFK perched together on trees. 12:45pm MK on KP poles, JMK in KP pole area on the ground. 12:55pm JMK on H.M.K.T. then on KP #2. 1:24pm 3 JMKs hunting for insects under evergreen in research area. 3:20pm FK on KP #4. 3:26pm JMK perched in research area. 6:04pm JMK on KP #3. 6:08pm JMK gets insect from MK, MK on evergreen in research area then gone. 7:19pm until 8:19pm 2 JMKs and JFK exploring area around KP poles and MK guarding on KP poles. Junior Kestrels on evergreen, various perches, H.M.K.T., nest box roof and spending a lot of time on the ground hunting for insects. JMK gets a piece of bird from MK. 8:20pm Kestrels no longer in research area.

July    12/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:00am JFK on KP #4, MK on KP #2 then feeds JFK on KP #4. 7:13am JMK on KP #4. 7:27am 2 JMKs on KP #4 and at 7:52am JMK on wheel house. 8:00am until 10:00am Filming Kestrels in nearby yard trees 300-400 feet away from H.M.K.T. nest box. FK and MK making multiple food delivers to Junior Kestrels. JMKs and JFK perched together on trees and JMKs were also on hydro wire hunting. 2:24pm JMK on KP #4. 2:32pm FK gives a dragonfly to JMK on KP #4. 3:16pm JMK on KP #3. 7:13pm K on H.M.K.T. 7:37pm JMK on wheel house then on KP #2. 2 JMKs on KP #4. 7:46pm 4 JMKs exploring area around KP poles. JMKs on various perches and spending time on the ground hunting for insects. 8:04pm Kestrels no longer in research area. 8:23pm 3 JMKs on ground near KP #4. An Eastern Cottontail Rabbit running through KP pole area and JMKs fly away, rabbit stays. JMK back and dives at rabbit twice then rabbit runs out of KP pole area. 8:28pm until 9:01pm 3 JMKs and JFK back in KP pole area on various perches and on the ground. 9:02pm Kestrels no longer in KP pole area. 9:13pm JMK on nearby hydro wire then on KP #4. 9:39pm Kestrels no longer in research area.

July    13/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:26am 2 JMKs on KP #2 hunting insects. 6:34am JFK on KP #2 and JMK on KP #4. 6:38am 2 JMKs on KP #4, JFK and JMK on perches in research area. 10:59pm JMK on KP #2. 11:24am MK on KP #2. 11:30am until 1:00pm 3 JMKs and JFK on various perches in research area and spending time on the ground hunting for insects. FK delivers food and guarding from nearby hydro wire while JKs eat under an evergreen. 2:00pm 3 JMKs and JFK on H.M.K.T. 2:30pm JMK on H.M.K.T. gets food from MK. 3:27pm JKs are having a H.M.K.T. roof-top party. 2 JMKs laying on roof, 1 JMK and JFK on H.M.K.T. branches. 5:10pm JMK on KP #4. 5:46pm 2 JMKs on H.M.K.T., 1 JMK on KP #4. 6:30pm until 8:00pm 3 JMKs and JFK spending a lot of time together on H.M.K.T., resting, preening and eating. 8:40pm Kestrels no longer in research area.

July    14/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:05am until 10:30am in the blind. 3 JMKs and JFK on nearby trees. 6:34am until 6:52am JMK on various perches in research area, hydro pole and wheel house. Magpie harassing JFK and she’s annoyed but stands her ground, FK close by on tree. 6:56am MK arrives on tree and FK leaves. 7:42am MK with vole on KP #4, goes to various perches looking for JKs. 7:54am JMK and JFK on hydro pole, MK close by on hydro wire. 8:20am JMK on ground, MK kills a vole next to JMK then JFK comes and takes vole. JMK waits then eating vole with JFK. Another JMK joins in and JFK is finished eating. 8:40am JFK gets dragonfly from MK, Magpie harassing JFK and she flies away with dragonfly. Magpie harassing JMK, he ignores and continues eating then Magpie leaves. 8:46am JFK on H.M.K.T., then wheel house preening. 9:16am FK with grub and delivers to JMK in nearby tree. 9:17am until 10:30am 2 JMKs and JFK continue to spend time in research area on various perches, hydro wires and on the ground hunting insects. 12:44pm JFK laying on hydro pole. 12:55pm MK with vole on KP #4. 2:52pm MK in and out of K-2 nest box and on KP #2, JMK on KP #1. 4:15pm until 6:00pm 3 JMKs and JFK on various perches in research area. JMK eating food until H.M.K.T. and another JMK eating food under evergreen. MK on guard. 6:25pm JMK on KP #4. 7:25pm JMK and JFK on H.M.K.T. and another JMK on hydro wire. 9:00pm Kestrels no longer in research area.

July    15/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:45am until 9:07pm Lots of kestrel action in research area with JKs on H.M.K.T., KP poles, hydro wires and various perches. JKs come and go throughout the day and several times 3 JMKs and JFK were perched together. JKs on the ground hunting for insects. At 11:12am JFK on wheel house eating a vole and at 11:21am flies away with leftovers. 6:04pm MK on the ground with JMK and gives JMK an insect and then also gives JFK an insect on H.M.K.T. At 9:07pm only one JMK in the research area on KP #4 then gone.

July    16/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:29am JMK on wheel house. 6:40am 2 JMKs and JFK on H.M.K.T., one JMK eating a moth. 7:48am JMK and JFK on KP #4. 8:00am MK in and out of K-2 nest box. 8:15am until 11:50am In the blind filming. Lots of kestrel action again today in research area with JKs on H.M.K.T., KP poles, hydro wires and various perches. JKs come and go throughout the day and several times 3 JMKs and JFK were perched together. JKs on the ground hunting for insects and eating food that’s been delivered. JKs chasing Flickers and Red-winged Blackbirds out of area. 2:48pm K delivers food to JFK on H.M.K.T. roof where she eats it. 3:55pm JMK in H.M.K.T. box and out. 4:10pm MK delivers insect to JMK on perch in area and another to JMK on KP #2. FK and MK are continuing to deliver food and insects to JKs throughout the day. At 9:01pm only one JMK in the research area on KP #4 then gone.

July    17/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:56am until 9:30am In the blind filming. Lots of kestrel action again today in research area with JKs on H.M.K.T., hydro wire, evergreen, nearby trees and various perches. JKs flying similar to adults with gliding and maneuvering. 2 JMKs and JFK spending a lot of time perched together and every so often 3 JMKs. JKs hunting for insects while perched and on the ground. JMK chasing Grackle. MK on KP #4. 11:49am JMK on KP #4 and at 11:55am another JMK on H.M.K.T. 12:10pm JMK on ground with a vole and another JMK on KP #2 with vole, MK making deliveries. 12:17pm JFK on a perch with a vole. 12:41pm JFK on a perch, JMK on ground with a vole flies up to a perch then leaves with the vole. 2:37pm until 3:17pm 2 JMKs and JFK on H.M.K.T. 6:12pm JFK on a perch, flies to evergreen then gone. 6:17pm JMK lands on KP #4, and at 6:21pm another JMK lands on KP #4 with him. 7:12pm JFK on KP #4, JMK lands on KP #4 with her and another JMK on perch. 7:49pm JFK on KP #4. 8:11pm JFK and JMK on KP #4, 2 JMKs on H.M.K.T. then JMK from KP #4 joins the other two JMKs on H.M.K.T. 8:51pm JMK on KP #4, then on H.M.K.T. 9:03pm Kestrels no longer in research area.

July    18/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:20am until 10:00am In the blind filming. Kestrel action again today in research area with JKs on H.M.K.T., KP #4, nearby trees and various perches. K gives an insect to JFK while perched. JMK displays similar adult hunting technique and hovers over tall grass. 2 JMKs and JFK spending a lot of time perched together and once 3 JMKs. JKs hunting for insects while perched and on the ground. FK on nearby tree and chases Magpie. 10:05am JMK on hydro pole then on perch near KP poles. There hasn’t been any Kestrel action in research area this afternoon. 7:09pm JFK on KP #4. 7:46pm JMK on wheel house then JFK lands on H.M.K.T. and joins JMK on wheel house. 7:48pm Another JMK lands on KP #2 and joins JMK and JFK on H.M.K.T. roof. 8:12pm JMK still on roof, JFK still on wheel house and second JMK now on KP #4. 8:22pm Both JMKs gone then at 8:24pm JFK gone. 9:04pm 2 JMKs on H.M.K.T., JFK on KP #4. 9:19pm 1 JMK from H.M.K.T. gone. 9:29pm JMK and JFK gone from research area.

July    19/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:55am JMK on H.M.K.T. 6:03am until 9:00am In the blind filming. 6:06am JMK still on H.M.K.T. then on wheel house and back on H.M.K.T. branch. 6:13am JMK gone to nearby tree and another K there flies away. 6:26am JFK on wheel house. 6:40am JFK flies to nearby tree. Kestrel activity has slowed down. 10:35am JFK on KP #4 then on H.M.K.T. 11:34am JFK still on H.M.K.T., JMK lands with her then on KP #4 and at 11:50am gone. 11:55am JFK eating an insect on perch near KP pole area. 3:04pm JFK on wheel house. 6:54pm until 8:52pm JFK on wheel house, perched, laying down, preening. 8:38pm JMK lands on H.M.K.T., JFK still on wheel house. 8:52pm JFK gone to nearby tree and at 8:55pm JMK joins her. 9:04pm JMK briefly on H.M.K.T., Kestrels no longer in research area.

July    20/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:50am JMK on wheel house, left a pellet. 5:56am until 11:40am In the blind filming. 6:35am JMK on nearby tree. 6:45am K flies over blind and in nearby tree. 8:23am JFK on H.M.K.T. 8:56am until 9:07am JFK on various perches in research area, on the ground and gets an insect, on KP #4 hunting then gone from area. 10:51am until 11:25am JMK on KP #4. JFK also on KP #4 and at 11:09am gone. 11:26am JMK on H.M.K.T. and at 11:35am flies to nearby tree. No Kestrel activity in research area in the afternoon and early evening. 8:10pm JMK on H.M.K.T. and at 8:19pm another JMK joins him on wheel house, then both are gone. 8:27pm JFK on H.M.K.T. then wheel house and at 8:54pm gone.

July    21/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:13am JFK on wheel house. 6:27am until 8:00am In the blind filming. 7:24am JFK still on wheel house and at 7:25am flies to nearby tree. No Kestrel activity in research area the rest of the morning and into the evening. 8:18pm JFK on wheel house, preening. 9:13pm JFK gone.

July    22/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. No Kestrel sightings today.

July    23/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:55am JMK on H.M.K.T. until 6:29 then gone. Our new 2024 You-Tube page is up and running. This new page is all Kestrel videos. Videos will be added as time moves on. Click here for the link. All videos and photos from 2024 will be on this new site.

July    24/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. No Kestrel sightings today.

July    25/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:04am until 8:17am MK on H.M.K.T.

July    26/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. No Kestrel sightings today.

July    27/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. No Kestrel sightings today.

July    28/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:51am Kestrel on hydro wire in research area.

July    29/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. No Kestrel sightings today.

July    30/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. No Kestrel sightings today.

July    31/24       Nobody stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. No Kestrel sightings today.

July 31/2024 will be the last update unless there is a significant change in the research area. The family seems to have moved on.

We have already started to migrate videos and photos to our new all Kestrel you-tube page. click here to link. Eventually all videos present and past will be on this new page. Since there are so many this will take some time so please be patient. This will eliminate banding photos and video, photos, and highlight videos. As of 2025 there will be no links on the information page for these items.

Thank you all for reading and watching. It is greatly appreciated due the 24/7 we dedicate to our Kestrels while they are here.