Welcome all to our 2024 observations page #1. Here you will see updates of our American Kestrels as the season progresses.
Scroll down to see the latest. Here are abbreviations we use. All times CST.
MK. male Kestrel (aka Mr. Manitoba) FK. female Kestrel (aka Lady Winnipeg) H.M.K.T. Heavy Metal Kestrel Tree K-2 Kestrel nest box JFK. junior female Kestrel JMK. junior male Kestrel KP Tree poles we have installed, there are 4, click here to view.
Your will see a reference to the wheel house click here to view and also door branch click here to view.
March 6/24 We have installed the H.M.K.T. nest box, cameras and cat cable today. Snow storm late afternoon covered side camera completely.
March 12/24 We have installed the K-2 nest box, cameras and cat cable today.
March 13/24 11:05am MK on nearby tree then flies to sits on tree very near K-2 nest box. This has been the earliest sighting on record in our research area.
1:07pm MK on nearby tree. 1:27pm MK on door branch. 1:27pm MK in K-2 nest box, scrapes then gone. 2:24pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box looks around then gone. 2:42pm MK on door branch then in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapes then out and on nearby tree. 4:15pm MK on nearby tree with vole, calling for female, then stores vole in nearby evergreen and back on nearby tree. 4:44pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box, chirps, scrapes and out on nearby tree. 5:47pm still on same tree. 6:01pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box and out on nearby tree. 7:32pm MK still on nearby tree. 7:51pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box looking out of door the gone for the evening.
March 14/24 Around 8:47am MK in H.M.K.T. then out on nearby tree. 9:31am still on same tree. 9:52am MK in K-2 nest box, chirps, scrapes then out and sits
on nearby tree. 10:43am MK in K-2 nest box scrapes then out and sits on nearby hydro wire till 11:42am. 11:43am MK flies out of view. 11:05am
MK on H.M.K.T. 12:08pm MK flies left and out of research area. 2:35pm MK on nearby tree. 2:41 Mk in H.M.K.T. nest box, calls, scrapes then out and flies and sits on nearby tree. 2:35pm MK on nearby tree. 2:41pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 3:04pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box bowing, calling, then FK lands on H.M.K.T. then both in nest box chatting up a storm. 3:08pm both out on door branch. 3:15pm FK in H.M.K.T nest box, then out, then in, then on door branch with MK. 3:20pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch. 3:21pm copulation occurs (short). 3:26pm until 7:20pm MK and FK in and out of nest boxes several times calling, scraping, sitting on several perches hunting. During this time MK has brought FK a vole. 7:38 FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and MK gone from area. FK in for the night. Kestrels are progressing quickly this year in their mating habits, it is our assumption that the warmer weather all winter may have caused this.
March 15/24 FK has stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:59am FK awake. 7:17am FK in door. 7:21am FK on door branch. 7:23am FK flies away and sits on
nearby hydro wire. MK arrives and brings FK a vole, she goes on wheel house to eat, MK in K-2 nest box then MK on KP#1. 7:50 FK chases magpie away, then lands on KP#2 copulation occurs. MK on H.M.K.T . 7:53am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then in door and out on door branch. 7:57am FK moves beside MK on H.M.K.T. then flies away. 8:02am MK chases magpie away then sits on KP#2. 8:12am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box then out on door branch. 8:31am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapes then out on door branch. 8:34 MK arrives and copulation occurs. 8:44am FK in K-2 nest box and out. 9:05am FK on KP#4. 9:29am MK in K-2 nest box calling. 9:38am FK on KP#4 eating vole. 9:42am until 4:45pm FK and MK in and out of both nest boxes scraping, calling and sitting on various perches in research area. 5:19pm copulation occurs. 5:23pm until 6:28pm FK and MK sitting on H.M.K.T. then in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping then out. 6:58pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on door branch. 7:08pm FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box preening. 7:38pm MK in K-2 nest box FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box. &:41pm MK out of K-2 and on KP#1 then on H.M.K.T. 7:49 pm MK gone for the night, FK in H.M.K.T. nest box.
March 16/24 FK has stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:29am FK awake very windy nest box and outside camera swaying, then FK back to sleep. 7:09am
FK in door and out on door branch. 7:10am FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box too windy. 7:20am FK out on door branch, then flies and sits on KP# 4. 7:40am FK now on nearby hydro wire. 7:45 FK and MK on nearby hydro wire. 7:48am MK still on wire and FK on nearby tree. 7:51am both on nearby tree. 8:37am both still on nearby tree. 8:41am FK gone from research area, MK still on nearby tree. 9:05am both on nearby tree.9:12am FK gone MK still on tree. 9:27am FK on nearby hydro wire, copulation then both back on nearby tree until 12:13pm. 12:14pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box back to FK on same nearby tree. 1:00pm MK still on same tree Fk gone. 1:09pm Mk still on same tree, FK returns with vole and proceeds to eat it. 1:42pm both still on same tree. 2:59pm MK and FK gone from research area. We will be away from our research area for approximately 4 hours ! 7:15pm FK and MK on nearby tree. 7:16pm FK flies to and in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on tree. 7:40pm FK asleep and MK gone for the night.
March 17/24 FK has stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:55am FK awake then back to sleep. 7:08am FK awake and preening. 7:11am FK out and on door
branch. 7:17am FK flies to and sits on nearby hydro wire. 7:19am. FK now on nearby tree. 7:45am FK in and out K-2 nest box then in H.M.K.T. nest box and gone to sleep, MK still on nearby tree, this remained the same until 8:46am when FK joined MK on nearby tree. 10:05am FK gone from research area MK still on nearby tree. 10:22am until 5:53pm MK and FK have been perched on a nearby tree with each of them checking out nest boxes and hunting, with 2 vole kills during this time. 6:01pm MK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then back to same tree tree with FK until 6:49pm. 6:53pm FK eating vole MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then sits near FK. 7:13pm FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and on door branch, MK still on same tree. 7:15pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box preening, MK still on same tree. 7:37pm FK asleep, MK gone from research area.
March 18/24 FK has stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:45am FK awake and preening then back to sleep. 7:04am FK awake. 7:20am FK in door. 7:22am
FK flies right and gone from research area. 7:40am FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:46am FK gone from H.M.K.T. nest box and out of research area. 8:22am FK lands on nearby tree. 8:26am FK flies to right and gone from research area. 10:43am MK in K-2 nest box calling FK at door, MK is bowing FK flies away. 10:46am MK out of K-2 nest bot and flies away. We have not seen much of FK and MK today violent winds are keeping them in more protected areas away from our research area. 2:55pm MK in and out K-2 nest box flies away. 3:00pm one of the K’s about 500 feet away sting in tree then flies away. 4:19pm MK in and out K-2 nest box. 7:14pm FK in K-2 nest box scraping and then out and on KP# 3 then gone. 7:27pm MK looks in H.M.K.T. nest box then in and out on door branch, FK directly into H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:33pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping MK still on H.M.K.T. 7:41pm FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box preening, MK flies away.
March 19/24 FK has stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:55am FK awake, 7:06am FK preening. 7:12am FK out on door branch. 7:16am FK flies away and sits on KP#4, 7:18am FK on nearby tree. 7:31am MK arrives copulation occurs, then sits with FK on nearby tree. 7:53am MK and FK still on same tree, copulation occurs. 8:28am FK gone for a moment then returns to MK on same tree with piece of vole. 9:26am FK gone MK still on same tree. 10:01am until 11:09am on nearby tree. 11:13am both gone from research area. 11:25am MK on nearby tree. 11:37am MK in and out K-2 nest box and back on same tree. 12:15pm Both gone from research area. 2:00pm Both back on nearby tree and at 3:49pm gone from research area. 4:54pm FK back on same tree and MK beside FK at 5:57pm. 6:19pm MK gone from research area, FK in H.M.K.T. nest box preening then tucked in. 6:32pm MK on nearby tree. 6:50pm FK out of H.M.K.T. nest box, flies to MK on nearby tree and copulation occurs. 7:17pm MK still on nearby tree, FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and tucked in. 7:49pm MK flies away.
March 20/24 FK has stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:09am FK awake and preening. 7:11am FK in door. 7:12am FK gone from area. 7:17am FK on H.M.K.T. 7:22am FK on nearby hydro wire. 7:30am MK arrives and sits next to FK on nearby hydro wire. 7:46am until 8:55am both on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 8:56am both gone from research area. 9:10am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping and out on 2024 favorite hunting tree with FK. 9:44am both gone from research area. 9:59am FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree then gone. 10:51am Mk in H.M.K.T. nest box calling then out and gone. 11:50am both still gone from research area. 12:51pm MK looks in H.M.K.T. nest box then flies away. 5:02pm both still not in research area. 5:25pm FK on hydro wire, briefly gone and back at 6:28pm. 6:53pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping, FK on nearby tree. 6:56pm MK in door and FK lands on door branch, both in H.M.K.T. nest box then asleep.
March 21/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:53am FK preening then back to sleep, MK asleep. 6:57am FK awake and preening then back to sleep, MK sleeping. 7:09am both awake FK out on door branch, MK still in nest box. 7:15am FK on wheel house, MK in door. 7:19am FK flies and sits on 2024 favorite hunting tree, MK still in door. 7:21am FK dives down then sits on nearby tree, MK flies and sits on nearby hydro wire. 7:31am MK flies to FK on nearby tree, copulation occurs. 8:25am Both on nearby tree. 8:48am FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and gone MK still on tree. 9:15am MK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and back on tree. 10:33am MK in K-2 nest box scraping and out. 10:49am both on nearby tree. 11:20am both are not in research area. 1:04pm MK delivers vole to FK, both on nearby tree. 1:29pm MK briefly in K-2 nest box and then both gone from research area. 4:56pm FK on nearby tree, MK still not in research area. 5:38pm FK gone from research area, MK on nearby tree. 5:47pm both on nearby tree, FK eating vole. 5:56pm MK briefly in H.M.K.T. nest box then on KP#2, FK briefly in K-2 nest box out on KP#4 then gone from research area. 6:21pm MK briefly in K-2 nest box then on nearby tree by FK eating a vole. 6:45pm MK briefly in H.M.K.T. nest box then on nearby tree. 6:57pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box until 7:09pm then on nearby tree by MK. 7:20pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:46pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, both sleeping.
March 22/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:03am FK awake and out on door branch, MK awake still in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:06 am FK on door branch MK in door. 7:07 both fly right MK on nearby hydro wire FK on nearby tree. 7:08 MK gone. 7:15am MK on 2024 favorite hunting tree, FK on nearby tree. 8:14am FK gone, MK still on 2024 favorite hunting tree until 9:01am. 9:02am both not seen in research area. 9:39am FK on nearby tree MK not in area. 9:53am both on nearby tree. 10:12am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box calling then out and in K-2 nest box and out and gone. 10:15am both not in research area. 10:51am MK on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 11:06am MK in K-2 nest box then out and flies to FK on nearby tree, copulation. 11:09am FK in H.M.K.T., nest box scraping, then out on H.M.K.T. and gone. 12:30pm MK on KP#2 FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then on KP#4 then FK in and out K-2 nest box then on nearby tree. MK dives at Red Squirrel on another nearby tree, Fk and MK on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 1:07pm to 4:47pm both gone from research area. 4:48pm FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree MK still gone. 5:25pm to 6:29pm both on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 6:30pm FK on nearby tree eating vole, MK still the same. 6:50pm MK the same tree, FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:20pm MK gone from area, FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:35pm MK on H.M.K.T. FK bowing. 7:40pm FK and MK asleep.
March 23/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:27am FK awake and preening, MK asleep. 6:29am MK awake and preening, FK asleep. 7:02am FK out on door branch, MK awake then back to sleep. 7:13an FK out and on nearby tree, MK asleep. 7:21am MK awake. 7:23am MK in door. 7:25am MK flies to FK on nearby tree , copulation occurs. 8:12 am both still on nearby tree, copulation occurs. 8:15 FK dives down then up to same tree with MK. 8:54am both gone from research area. 9:00am FK in and out K-2 nest box and on nearby tree with MK. 9:01am Mk in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapes and calls then out back with FK on nearby tree. 9:13am FK gone MK still on tree. 9:40am MK in and out K-2 nest box flies to nearby tree with FK. 9:51am FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and gone from area, MK still on tree. 10:32am MK in and out H.M.K.T. nesy box and gone from area. 11:08am MK on nearby tree, FK still not in research area.12:18pm both not in research area. 1:36pm to 3:26pm both still gone. 3:27pm FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree, MK still not seen. 3:35pm both not seen. 3:50pm MK and FK on nearby tree, FK eating vole. 3:58pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box then back to nearby tree. 4:00pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on tree. 4:03pm FK out of nest box MK still on same tree. 4:14pm both on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 4:31pm FK in K-2 nest box, scraps then out on H.M.K.T. MK still on nearby tree. 4:37pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then on H.M.K.T. then on nearby tree with MK. 5:10pm until 7:11pm both sitting on various trees. 7:12 FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. MK still on nearby tree until 7:48pm. 7:49pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greetings chatting. 7:51pm both asleep.
March 24/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:01am both gone from nest box and sit on nearby tree until 8:13am. 8:14am FK gone, Mk still on same tree. 8:23am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapes the on door branch and sits on very near hydro wire and dive down and gone. 8:27am to 11:48am both not in research area. 11:49am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box and out on door branch then gone. 11:53am FK in K-2 nest box and out and gone. both out of area until 2:32pm. 2:33pm both on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 2:58pm FK in and out K-2 nest box and out of area, MK still on same tree. 3:54pm to 5:16pm both not in research area. 5:17pm FK on wheel house, MK not in area. 5:53pm FK and MK on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 6:35pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on same tree. 6:46om FK out on door branch then back in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on same tree. 7:07pm FK looking out door then on door branch, MK still on same tree. 7:24pm FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on same tree. 7:49pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, some preening then both asleep.
March 25/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:56am FK out on door branch, MK sleeping until 7:11am. 7:12am FK on nearby hydro wire and MK awake. 7:34am FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree, MK asleep. 7:42am MK in door of H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:46am MK flies to nearby hydro wire. 7:47am until 10:29am MK now on 2024 favorite hunting tree with FK. 10:30am until 1:49pm both gone from research area. 1:50pm FK briefly on H.M.K.T. then gone from research area. 2:31pm MK briefly on H.M.K.T. then gone from research area. 3:21pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box, in door and back in, then out and gone from research area. 3:25pm until 5:28pm both gone from research area. 6:14pm FK on nearby tree. 6:30pm until 7:48pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK on nearby tree. 7:49pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, some chatting, preening then both asleep.
March 26/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:14am FK in door MK awake then back to sleep. 7:21am FK out and on nearby hydro wire 7:29am FK gone from research area, MK still asleep. 7:31am MK awake, then at 7:36am in door, 7:38am MK out of nest box and sits on nearby hydro wire. 7:43am until 10:44am. both not in research area. 10:45am both on 2024 favorite hunting tree with FK eating a kill. 12:01pm until 3:34pm both MK and FK are not in research area due to high winds and snow, we will keep monitoring the area for further updates. 3:35pm MK and FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 4:40pm FK not in research area. 5:22pm both gone from research area. 6:08pm MK and FK back on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 6:17pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box asleep, MK still on 2024 favorite hunting tree until 7:14pm. 7:15pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greetings chatting then both asleep.
March 27/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:33am still snowing with minor accumulation in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:07am FK out on door branch, MK asleep. 7:07am FK gone and on nearby hydro wire, MK asleep. 7:15am FK gone from door branch and on nearby hydro wire, MK awake. 7:20am MK gone from door branch and on 2024 favorite hunting tree then at 7:21am FK joins him. 7:27am FK gone, MK still on tree. 7:55am FK on nearby hydro wire, MK gone. 7:58am both gone from research area. 8:47am FK back on 2024 favorite hunting tree, MK still not in area. 9:25am FK still on tree then MK joins her. 10:15am until 5:17pm both not in research area. 5:18pm FK on nearby hydro wire. 5:24pm both not in research area. 6:36pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box preening and then asleep, MK still not in research area. 7:29pm FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK on nearby tree. 7:31pm FK out on door branch, MK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:34pm FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box with MK, greeting chatter and MK bowing. 7:36pm FK in door then out on door branch, MK still in H.M.K.T. nest box asleep. 7:39pm FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box with MK, then both asleep.
March 28/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:53am FK awake and out on door branch, MK asleep. 7:02 FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree, MK asleep. 7:26am FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box and wakes up MK and he is in door, then FK back to sleep. 7:29am MK out of door and on 2024 favorite hunting tree, FK awake. 7:31am FK out on door branch. 7:32am FK flies from door branch and both on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 7:34am until 11:27am both gone from research area. 11:28am FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. 11:28am until 5:15pm both gone from research area. 5:37pm MK on nearby tree with vole and stores vole in another tree close by, then in H.M.K.T. nest box and out on H.M.K.T. then gone from research area. 5:50pm both still gone from research area. 5:55pm FK briefly on nearby tree and flies away. 6:40pm both gone from research area. 7:02pm FK on H.M.K.T. then flies away, MK in and out of K-2 nest box twice then sits on nearby tree. 7:11pm both gone from research area. 7:18pm MK in K-2 nest box scrapping, out and sits on nearby tree. 7:23pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK on hydro wire hunting. 7:28pm MK on nearby tree with vole, FK out of H.M.K.T. nest box gets vole from MK and eating on nearby tree. 7:48pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box preening then asleep, MK still on nearby tree. 8:06pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatting then both asleep.
March 29/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:40am FK out on door branch, MK asleep. 6:58am FK flies and sits on nearby tree, MK awake briefly then back to sleep. 7:06am FK gone from research area, MK awake. 7:08am MK in door. 7:14am MK flies away, both not in research area. 7:31am FK on nearby hydro wire. 7:50am FK gone from hydro wire. 7:58am MK looking in H.M.K.T. nest box for FK then on door branch and gone. 7:59am until 10:44am both not in research area. 10:45am MK and FK on far away trees. 11:04am MK chasing Red Squirrel near K-2 nest box, then sits on nearby tree. 11:40am MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, sits on door branch. 11:46am until 1:45pm both gone from research area. 2:41pm FK on nearby tree with vole, MK in K-2 nest box then out on nearby tree with FK. 2:50pm until 3:02pm FK eating vole then stores it in another tree nearby and goes in K-2 nest box scrapping then back to nearby tree. MK on nearby tree then in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping, out on door branch and over to K-2 nest box scrapping then out and flies to FK on nearby tree where copulation occurs. 3:20pm both gone from research area. 3:30pm FK on H.M.K.T. then on nearby tree preening, MK still gone from research area. 4:45pm until 5:21pm both gone from research area. 5:43pm until 6pm FK on nearby tree, MK in K-2 nest box, sits in door then flies to FK on nearby tree. 6:07pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box then in door, FK lands on door branch and chattering. MK out on hydro wire, chases a Blue Jay on a nearby tree then hunting on hydro wire. 6:18pm both gone from research area. 6:36pm MK and FK on nearby trees. 6:48pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on nearby tree. 7:20pm FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK gone from research area. 7:36pm FK out and gets vole from MK on nearby tree. 7:39pm FK still eating vole, MK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:46pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box with MK, greeting chatting then both asleep.
March 30/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:48am FK out on door branch, MK awake. 6:53am MK in door FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 6:59am MK on nearby hydro wire, FK still on same tree. 7:44am to 9:00am MK still on hydro wire, FK not in area. 9:01am MK and FK not in research area. 9:52am FK on nearby tree, MK looks in K-2 nest box then on nearby tree with FK. 10:00am FK in K-2 nest box scrapping and back to MK on nearby tree. 10:23am MK in K-2 nest box out and gone from research area. 10:40am MK on nearby tree with FK, FK eating a vole. 10:50am to 11am MK on H.M.K.T. then flies away, FK still on nearby tree even when bothered by Blue Jay and Magpie. 12:33pm MK delivers a piece of vole to FK on nearby tree, FK takes it and flies away. 1:27pm both not in research area. 2:15pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then sits on KP#2, FK in and out of K-2 nest box then sits on KP#1. 2:52pm until 3:42pm both not in research area. 3:47pm FK hunting on nearby tree, gets a vole and eating, MK still not in research area. 4:44pm until 5:40pm FK on KP#4, MK still not in research area. 6:30pm FK on nearby tree, MK still not in research area. 6:54pm MK on H.M.K.T., FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping. 7:00pm FK out on door branch, copulation occurs and both sit on H.M.K.T. 7:01pm FK in H.M.K.T nest box scrapping and preening, MK still on H.M.K.T. 7:43pm FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK on KP#4. 7:56pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter then both asleep.
March 31/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:33am FK out on door branch, MK asleep. 6:45 FK gone and sits on nearby hydro wire, MK still sleeping. 6:59am FK gone, MK still sleeping. 7:02am MK awake then at 7:06am in door. 7:10am MK flies and sits on KP#2. 7:12am MK flies from KP#2 and on nearby tree. 7:39am until 7:41am MK still on nearby tree, FK not in research area. 7:42am both gone from area. 8:16am to 8:48am FK on nearby tree, in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then back to nearby tree with MK. 9:00am FK gone from area. 9:30am MK on nearby tree. 10:00am to 10:32am both gone from area. 10:55am FK in and out of K-2 nest box then gone from area, MK on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 11:16am to 12:41pm MK chases Magpie away from K-2 nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. then in and out of K-2 nest box and sits on 2024 favorite hunting tree, FK on hydro wire. 2:05pm both gone from area. 3:00pm to 4:36pm FK on H.M.K.T. then on nearby tree. 5:45pm both gone from area. 6:04pm to 6:49pm FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree, in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then gone from area. 7:33pm FK on nearby tree eating a vole, MK gone from area. 7:48pm to 8:15pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box asleep, MK still gone from area. 8:18pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, then both asleep. 10:00pm FK and MK had a visit from the Great Horned Owl, it sat on the wheel house. FK and MK were awake on alert.
April 01/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:38am FK awake and in door, MK awake then back to sleep. 6:41am FK on door branch. 6:46am FK gone from door branch, MK asleep. 6:58am MK awake. 7:00am MK in door. 7:10am MK gone from door and on nearby tree, FK still not in sight. 7:24am FK and MK on nearby tree. 7:42am FK gone MK still on nearby tree until 9:35am 9:36am MK in K-2 nest box. 9:38am MK back on nearby tree with FK. 9:49am until 11:31am both gone from research area. 11:32am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box then out on door branch then gone. 11:44am FK on H.M.K.T. then gone. 1:02pm both still gone from area. 1:09pm MK in K-2 nest box and out and gone.1:17pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then gone. 2:21pm FK on KP#4 then in K-2 nest box then out on nearby tree. 4:14pm no Kestrels in research area. 4:31pm FK on nearby tree then gone. 4:37pm FK on nearby tree with vole, then on KP#2 with vole. FK stores vole in tall grass surrounding KP#4 and chases Magpies in area, sits on KP#3 and then on nearby tree on guard until 5:50pm. 5:57pm MK on nearby tree with FK. 6:01pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, sits on door branch then MK arrives and copulation occurs. FK then in and out of K-2 nest box and gone from area, MK still on H.M.K.T. and then at 6:13pm sits on KP#4. 6:17pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box twice, FK on nearby tree. 6:39pm MK gone from area, FK still on nearby tree. 7:13pm FK on wheel house then lands on nearby tree with vole. 7:42pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:50pm MK looks in H.M.K.T. nest box, FK chatters and bows then MK on nearby tree. 8:08pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter then both asleep.
April 02/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:22am MK in door FK awake then FK back to sleep. 6:41am both on H.M.K.T. 6:45am FK gone from area, MK still on H.M.K.T. 7:01am until 7:57am now both not in research area. 7:58am MK on nearby hydro wire then flies to and in K-2 nest box then to KP#3, FK on nearby tree. 8:02am MK gone, FK still on tree. 8:19am until 9:10am both not in research area. 9:11am until 10:08am FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 10:09 FK on very nearby tree then flies to and sits on KP#2. 10:32am FK now on KP#4 then gone from area at 10:35am. 11:41am FK on nearby tree until 12:20pm. 1:15pm FK on nearby tree eating vole then on door branch calling MK, MK on 2024 favorite hunting tree and then both gone from area. 1:25pm until 3:20pm both gone from area. 3:21pm FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 4:19pm FK gone from area, MK on KP#4 then down in tall grass at KP#2, gets a stored vole and back on KP#4 eating. 4:28pm FK lands on KP#3, MK flies to her and copulates, both on KP#3 then MK gone from area. 4:31pm FK on 2024 favorite hunting tree until 4:49pm and then gone. 5:18pm until 6:03pm both still gone from area. 6:40pm FK on nearby tree. 7:10pm MK on nearby tree eating vole, FK on same nearby tree eating vole and stores it in a close evergreen and back to nearby tree. 7:18pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, sits on door branch then back to nearby tree. 7:30pm MK in and out of K-2 nest box then on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 7:51pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 7:57pm FK out on hydro wire near tree MK is on, then both sitting on hydro wire. 8:05pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK on hydro wire. 8:50pm FK asleep in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK gone from area.
April 03/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:20am FK awake preens then back to sleep. 6:34 again awake and preening. 6:37am FK in door. 6:40am FK out of door and on door branch. 6:44am FK flies and sits on nearby tree. 7:08am MK joins FK on nearby tree. 7:08am until 8:17am MK and FK on nearby tree. 8:18am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box calling the on 2024 favorite hunting tree with FK. 8:22am FK on nearby tree eating a vole, MK still on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 9:04am until 9:24am FK and MK on nearby tree. 9:25am until 10:32am MK gone from area, FK on nearby tree. 10:48am MK delivers vole to FK on nearby tree, FK eating then on KP#4 with vole, down in tall grass and then on evergreen and stores vole. 10:54am FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on same nearby tree as MK. 11:04am MK flies to FK and copulates on nearby tree. 11:07am MK in K-2 nest box scrapes then out and gone from area. 11:58am FK still on nearby tree, MK still gone from area. 12:52pm until 2:00pm both gone from area. 2:01pm FK looks in H.M.K.T. nest box then sits on nearby tree. 2:44pm until 3:30pm both gone from area. 3:37pm until 5:39pm FK on nearby tree. 5:40pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. with FK chattering. MK in and out of H.M.K.T. then gone from area. FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T. goes down gets vole and eating it on nearby tree. 5:52pm MK delivers vole to FK on nearby tree and gone from area, FK eating vole. 6:42pm until 7:55pm FK on nearby tree. 7:56pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:07pm MK lands on nearby tree with vole, FK out of H.M.K.T. nest box, gets vole from MK on nearby tree and eating it. 8:13pm FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on nearby tree. 8:22pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter then both asleep.
April 04/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 3:19am FK and MK on alert, Coyote under H.M.K.T. 6:22am FK awake MK sleeping. 6:29am FK on door branch, MK awake. 6:44am FK on wheel house the flies to and sits on nearby tree, MK awake. 6:49am MK in door the out and flies to FK on nearby tree, copulation occurs. 7:13 MK in H.M.K.T. nest box then in door, FK still on tree. 7:16am MK flies to FK copulation occurs, then FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch, MK still on tree. 7:18am FK flies from research area, MK still on nearby tree. 7:29am both on nearby tree. 7:42am FK flies away then returns to MK on nearby tree with food. 8:21am both still on same tree. 9:07am both gone from area. 10:15am until 11:25am FK on nearby tree, MK still gone from area. 11:25am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping then out on door branch and gone from area. 11:25am until 1:55pm both gone from area. 2:30pm FK on nearby tree. 2:36pm MK delivers vole to FK on nearby tree, looks in K-2 nest box then gone from area. 2:43pm FK stores vole in nearby tree then flies to another tree in area. 3:22pm MK on H.M.K.T., FK gone from area. 3:32pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and gone from area, then FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and gone from area. 4:13pm until 4:22pm FK on nearby tree then gone from area. 5:15pm until 6:22pm FK on nearby tree, MK still gone from area. 6:30pm until 6:49pm MK on nearby tree, FK gone from area. 6:50pm FK on door branch then on nearby tree, MK in and out of K-2 nest box then on KP#4. 7:03pm MK flies to FK on nearby tree and copulates then gone from area. 7:30pm MK in and out of K-2 nest box and gone from area, FK still on nearby tree. 7:49pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, sits in nest bowl picking shavings then out on door branch. 8:01pm FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:24pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, chatter then both asleep.
April 05/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:19am FK awake MK sleeping. 6:28am FK on door branch, MK awake. 6:32am MK in door FK on door branch. 6:33am until 7:23am both on nearby tree. 7:24am FK in K-2 nest box 7:25am back on nearby tree with MK. 7:44am FK takes a quick flight and back on nearby tree with MK. 7:59am Crow scares MK and FK off nearby tree. 8:17am both back on nearby tree. 8:47am until 10:11am MK gone from area, FK eating vole on nearby tree. 10:46am both gone from area. 10:58am until 11:23am FK on nearby tree. 11:23am FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest back and back to nearby tree, MK delivers vole to FK and then gone from area. 11:35am FK still eating vole, then stores a leftover piece in tall grass and gone from area. 12:39pm until 3:37pm both are still gone from area. 3:38pm FK on nearby tree. 4:22pm until 5:06pm FK eating vole on nearby tree. 5:12pm both on nearby tree, FK eating vole, then MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on a perch in area. 5:19pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping, MK on H.M.K.T. then FK out on door branch and copulation occurs. 5:26pm MK gone from area, FK on door branch then wheel house. 5:56pm FK on nearby tree and gets vole from MK. 6:29pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box twice then back to nearby tree. 6:39pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and on door branch, MK arrives and copulates. 6:42pm FK on nearby tree, MK still on H.M.K.T. then gone from area. 7:40pm FK on nearby tree, MK gone from area. 7:55pm FK eating vole on nearby tree. 8:01pm both on nearby tree. 8:10pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on nearby tree. 8:15pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:40pm MK gone from area, FK in H.M.K.T. nest box.
April 06/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:10am FK awake. 6:21am FK in door. 6:23am FK on door branch. 6:31am FK on nearby tree until 7:05am. 7:06 am FK flies away out of research area. 7:14am FK back on nearby tree. 7:23am 4 Crows harass FK and she leaves. 7:26am MK arrives and chases all 4 crows away then both FK and MK sit on nearby tree. 7:36am FK on door branch then back to MK on nearby tree. 7:45am intruder MK on H.M.K.T. our MK chases him away then intruder MK on nearby tree near FK then intruder MK gone. MK on H.M.K.T. nest box roof protecting his nest box, FK still on nearby tree. 7:50am MK and FK on H.M.K.T. copulation occurs. 8:00am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping and calling then back out on H.M.K.T. with MK. 8:11am FK again in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping and calling then on H.M.K.T. with MK. FK dives to the ground in tall grass under KP#4 abd gets a food stash, and on nearby tree eating while MK still on H.M.K.T. in guard mode. 8:15am FK back to MK on H.M.K.T. and copulation occurs. 8:22am FK back in H.M.K.T. neat box scraping and picking shavings. 8:24am FK out on door branch copulation occurs. We feel FK is close to laying her 1st egg, by her actions in the nest box and her being bottom heavy. 8:34am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapes then out and sits by MK on H.M.K.T. 8:54am MK flies away FK still on H.M.K.T. 9:00am FK flies away both now gone from research area. 9:33am FK back on nearby tree. 10:00am MK on nearby tree with vole and gives it to FK and she is eating. 10:19am MK in H.M/.K.T. nest box FK still on nearby tree, 10:20am MK out on H.M.K.T. FK still on tree. 10:28am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box MK still on H.M.K.T. 10:31am FK out on door branch copulation occurs. 10:32am FK on nearby tree, MK in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping and picking, still on tree. 10:35am MK in door then on door branch, FK same. 10:41am MK gone from research area FK still on nearby tree. 11:46am until 2:37pm both gone from area. 2:38pm until 3:03pm MK on H.M.K.T., gone from area, back on H.M.K.T., in H.M.K.T. nest box calling then out on door branch. 3:54pm MK on door branch, in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then gone from area. FK still gone from area. 4:15pm MK and FK on H.M.K.T. then both gone from area. 5:09pm MK on H.M.K.T. then gone from area. 6:40pm FK on nearby tree. 7:20pm FK eating vole on nearby tree, MK on H.M.K.T. 7:55pm MK delivers vole to FK on nearby tree. 8:04pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on nearby tree. 8:24pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter, preening then both asleep. Click here to see graph and all arrival dates and first egg dates from as far back as 2014.
April 07/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:11am FK awake MK sleeping. 6:14am FK out on door branch, MK sleeping. 6:29am MK in door, FK flies and sits on nearby tree, MK gone to same tree, both still there until 7:53am. 8:12am until 8:23pm MK on H.M.K.T. 8:23am both gone from area. 8:28am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box, sits in door then out on door branch. FK on nearby tree. 8:44am MK flies to FK and copulation occurs, then MK gone from area. 9:05am until 11:35am both gone from area. 11:35am MK on H.M.K.T. 11:45am until 1:09pm both gone from area. 1:16pm MK in H.M.K.T. scrapping, out on door branch then gone from area. FK on nearby tree. 1:22pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and sits in nest bowl, out on door branch then gone from area. 1:36pm until 3:40pm both gone from area. 2:21pm A male kestrel in H.M.K.T. nest box out on H.M.K.T. then flies away. Based on his behavior we feel he was an intruder. 3:46pm until 7:20pm FK in research area on H.M.K.T., on nearby tree and twice eating vole on nearby tree. MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T. and majority of time gone from research area. 7:30pm both gone from area. 7:58pm FK on nearby tree. 8:12pm FK and MK on nearby tree. 8:14pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on nearby tree. 8:38pm MK gone from area. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box asleep.
April 08/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:28am FK awake. 6:31am FK in door. 6:32am FK on door branch. 6:42 FK flies and sits on nearby tree. 6:50am MK arrives and sits with FK. 7:00am MK coughs up a pellet. 7:41am MK on door branch, FK still on tree. 7:53am MK gone, FK still on tree. 7:52am FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch peeping for MK. 7:54am FK gone from area. 8:24am FK on nearby tree then flies to hydro wire. 8:28am MK on nearby tree. 8:34am FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and on door branch, MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and on door branch then both gone from area. 8:36am FK on nearby tree. 9:05am until 9:56am FK and MK gone from area. 10:00am FK on nearby tree then gone from area. 10:10am MK with vole on nearby tree then flies away with it. 11:11am until 12:35pm FK on nearby tree. 1:10pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping, out on door branch then on nearby tree. 1:17pm both gone from area. 2:26pm MK on H.M.K.T. then gone from area. 3:17pm until 4:14pm both gone from area. 4:15pm until 6:28pm FK on nearby tree, MK on H.M.K.T. then gone from area. 7:02pm until 7:45pm both gone from area. 7:58pm MK and FK on nearby tree, FK eating vole. 8:01pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. 8:11pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK still on H.M.K.T. 8:12pm MK flies away, FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box, scrapping and preening. 8:25pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter, MK preens then both asleep.
April 09/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:13am FK awake then back to sleep, MK sleeping. 6:23am FK on door branch, MK asleep. 6:34 MK awake and in door then FK gone. 6:36am MK now gone, both not in research area. 7:39am MK and FK briefly on door branch then on nearby tree. 8:00am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch. 8:02am FK gone from area. 8:37am FK on nearby tree, MK gone from area. 9:35am FK gone and at 9:55am back on nearby tree. 10:06am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box and out on H.M.K.T. 10:11am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK flies away, FK out on door branch then on nearby tree. 10:35am MK flies out of research area, FK still on nearby tree. 11:18am FK gone from area. 11:32am MK on door branch, looks in H.M.K.T. nest box twice, on H.M.K.T. then gone. 12:18pm FK on H.M.K.T., in and out of K-2 nest box then on nearby tree. 1:00pm until 1:39pm both gone from area. 2:11pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T., FK arrives and goes in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch and copulation occurs. MK gone and FK still on H.M.K.T. 2:19pm both gone from area. 3:32pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T., in and out of K-2 nest box then gone from area. 3:29pm until 5:11pm FK on nearby tree. 5:11pm FK on nearby tree circles over research area, catches flying insect in mid-air and back to nearby tree. 5:32pm FK flies away. 5:49pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and on door branch. MK in and out of K-2 nest box, in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T., FK peeping then MK flies away. 5:59pm FK on nearby tree. 6:12pm both gone from area. 6:55pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and on wheel house. MK lands on H.M.K.T. with vole, FK gets vole and gone from area, MK gone. 7:08pm until 7:42pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and on nearby tree. 7:50pm both gone from area. 8:15pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on door branch then gone from area. 8:21pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, out on door branch. MK in H.M.K.T. nest box, out on H.M.K.T. then copulates on door branch. MK gone from area, FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:39pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter, preening. 9:14pm MK asleep, FK still awake. 9:36pm MK and FK asleep.
April 10/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:20am FK awake and out on door branch, MK sleeping. 6:26am FK gone from door branch and on nearby tree. 6:38am MK in door then gone and sits with FK on nearby tree. 7:15am MK gone from research area, FK still on nearby tree. 8:01am FK on nearby hydro wire. 8:09am FK in and out of H.M.K.T. neat box peeping then fliies to MK on nearby tree and MK gives her a vole. 8:14am FK eating vole, MK gone from research area. 8:34am until 12:13pm FK on nearby tree. 12:01pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box. 1:00pm MK on nearby tree, FK gone from area. 1:14pm FK back on nearby tree, MK gone from area. 1:32pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and gone from area. FK also gone. 2:02pm FK on nearby tree. 2:50pm both gone from area. 3:17pm until 3:40pm FK on nearby tree, then gone from area. 4:09pm until 6:51pm FK back on nearby tree. 6:28pm MK lands on nearby tree with food, FK takes it and eating. MK gone from area. 7:17pm both gone from area. 7:19pm until 7:49pm FK on nearby tree eating vole, continues to sit on nearby tree. 8:15pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:38pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter and MK preening. 8:43pm MK asleep, FK still awake. 8:50pm MK and FK asleep.
April 11/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:11am FK awake and in door then on door branch. 6:30am FK gone from research area, MK awake. 6:32am MK in door. 6:38am MK on H.M.K.T. then flies and sits on nearby hydro wire. 7:02am FK lands on nearby tree MK joins her and copulation occurs. 7:08am MK gone and FK still on tree. 8:15am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box then in door then on nearby tree with FK copulation occurs, then both sit. 8:28am FK gone from tree MK still on tree. 8:31am both not in research area. 8:45am FK back on nearby tree. 9:00am FK gone from tree. 9:12am until 11:03am FK back and forth between sitting on tree and gone from area. 11:18am until 5:12pm MK and FK gone from area. 5:12pm until 7:28pm FK lands on nearby tree then sits on H.M.K.T. 7:29pm MK on nearby tree then on H.M.K.T., FK gone from area. 7:53pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on door branch and copulation occurs, then MK flies away. 8:15pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and out on door branch, MK in and out of K-2 nest box then on hydro wire. 8:26pm FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:45pm FK out on door branch with MK on H.M.K.T., MK in and FK follows. Both preening then asleep.
April 12/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:18am FK in door, MK awake. 6:22am MK in door FK on door branch, then MK flies and sits on nearby tree. 6:30 FK gone and sits with MK on nearby tree. 6:36am MK now on H.M.K.T. FK still on tree. 6:47am MK now on nearby hydro wire, FK same tree. 7:05am until 7:57am MK gone from area, FK still on same tree. 8:36am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, out on door branch then on KP#4. 8:56am until 10:20am both gone from area. 11:43am FK on nearby tree and MK delivers a frog. FK takes frog, MK gone from area then FK stores frog in nearby evergreen and back to tree. 11:58am until 1:03pm both gone from area. 1:16pm MK on nearby tree, in H.M.K.T. nest box, out on H.M.K.T. then flies out of area. 2:20pm until 3:21pm both gone from area. 3:50pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then gone from area. FK on nearby tree. 3:53pm MK delivers a frog to FK on nearby tree then gone from area. FK eats frog then gone from area. 4:53pm until 7:11pm FK on nearby tree, MK delivers a tidbit and gone. 7:35pm until 8:08pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then gone. FK still on nearby tree. 8:14pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:37pm MK on nearby tree eating. 8:42pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter and MK out on door branch then flies away. 8:47pm MK returns to H.M.K.T. nest box, more chattering then both asleep.
April 13/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:09am FK awake. 6:12am FK on door branch. 6:26am FK flies and sits on nearby tree, MK awake. 7:01am MK in door. 7:10am MK gone to nearby tree with FK. 7:32am both gone from area. 7:49am until 8:02am FK on KP#4, in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on door branch then gone. 9:00am FK on KP#4 then flies out of area. 9:45am until 12:42pm both still gone from area. 1:06pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T., flies over KP pole area and gets a flying insect, back on H.M.K.T. eating. 1:30pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then sits on H.M.K.T., FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then on nearby tree. 2:00pm until 2:49pm both gone from area. 4:14pm until 5:22pm FK on nearby tree. 5:49pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping, MK on door branch then FK out on nearby tree. 6:14pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box and out with FK on nearby tree. 6:40pm MK on H.M.K.T., FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping and out on door branch. FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box then out on nearby tree. MK gone from area. 8:00pm both gone from area. 8:28pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK on nearby tree. 8:47pm MK flies out of area, FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box. In frame by frame review of today's recordings we have noticed at about 1:33pm a FK intruder flew by MK in door and FK on door branch of H.M.K.T. nest box. The intruder went by so quickly the human eye could not have detected her without frame by frame.
April 14/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:10am FK awake. 6:14am FK in door. 6:17am FK on door branch. 6:24am FK now on nearby tree. 6:45am MK arrives and sits with FK on nearby tree. 7:23am MK gone from nearby tree, FK still on tree. 7:48am both gone from area. 7:55am MK on nearby tree. 8:13am MK and FK on nearby tree. 9:03am FK still on nearby tree, MK gone from area. 9:17am FK on door branch then gone from area. 9:27am until 11:45am FK on nearby tree. 1:04pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T. then gone from area. 1:25pm until 3:24pm FK on nearby tree eating a vole. 3:54pm FK on nearby tree with vole. 5:15pm until 6:15pm FK on nearby tree eating a vole. 7:04pm FK on KP#4 then back on nearby tree. 8:10pm FK on nearby tree eating a vole. MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and on H.M.K.T. 8:18pm MK flies out of area. FK still on nearby tree. 8:20pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, out on door branch peeping then back in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:53pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box with FK, greeting chatter then both asleep.
April 15/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:59am FK awake. 6:06am FK on door branch. 6:14am FK sits on nearby tree, MK awake. 6:22am MK in door. 6:27am MK gone to nearby tree with FK until 7:32am. 7:33am until 8:13am MK gone, FK still on tree. 9:00am both gone from area. 9:31am FK lands on nearby tree and at 9:43am FK is gone from area. 10:13am FK on nearby tree eating a vole and stays on tree until 10:35am. 10:36am both gone from area. 11:35am FK on nearby tree eating a vole. MK on H.M.K.T. then gone. 11:59am MK on nearby tree, FK gone. 12:20pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on nearby tree and gets food from MK. 12:31pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on door branch then on nearby tree with FK. 12:43pm MK gone from area. FK still on nearby tree. 1:08pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping and picking shavings then out on door branch. 1:13pm MK in K-2 nest box then out and gone from area. FK flies to nearby tree and at 4:41pm is still on tree. 5:17pm both gone from area. 5:43pm FK back on same nearby tree. 6:53pm both gone from area. 7:15pm MK and FK together on nearby tree, FK with a bird. 7:48pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and back to same tree with MK. 8:07pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T. then back to FK on nearby tree and copulates. 8:15pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, on door branch then at 8:24pm back in H.M.K.T. nest box. 8:40pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box, loud chattering and MK sits in door then at 8:44pm MK back in with FK. 9:34pm MK and FK are both asleep.
April 16/24 FK and MK have stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 6:24am FK in door, then door branch. 6:27am MK in door, FK on door branch. 6:35am MK out on H.M.K.T. FK to nearby tree. 6:50am flies far away, MK still on H.M.K.T. 6:56am FK on H.M.K.T. eating, MK on KP#4. &;03am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box picking at shavings and digging nest bowl. 7:15am FK on door branch. 7:18am FK on wheel house. 7:31am FK on H.M.K.T. MK arrives and copulation occurs, MK gone FK still on H.M.K.T. 7:35am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box . 7:41am MK on door branch then gone, FK still in H.M.K.T. nest box in nest bowl being very quiet. Is it egg time, NO, just staying out of the rain. 7:49am FK back in door. 7:53am FK out on wheel house, MK arrives copulation occurs.7:56am FK gone MK still on H.M.K.T. 8:03am FK on nearby tree, MK gone. 8:06am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch, FK still on tree. 8:52am both gone from research area. 9:10am FK on door branch then on nearby tree. 9:21am both gone from area. 10:00am until 11:05 FK on nearby tree. 11:06am both gone from area. 11:22am FK on nearby tree. 11:54am FK in K-2 nest box twice. 12:05pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, sits on H.M.K.T., MK arrives in area and sits on nearby tree. 12:08pm FK on nearby tree, MK gone from area. 12:30pm until 12:50pm FK on H.M.K.T., on KP#2, in and out of K-2 nest box. 12:50pm both gone from area. 1:25pm to 2:14pm FK on H.M.K.T., in H.M.K.T. nest box, on various H.M.K.T. branches and on KP #4. 2:42pm FK in and out of K-2 nest box and gone from area. 2:51pm until 3:27pm FK on H.M.K.T. 3:50pm both gone from area. 4:05pm FK on wheel house then gone. 5:02pm until 6:24pm both gone from area. 7:16pm FK on nearby tree. 7:27pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and on door branch. 7:37pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, out on door branch then on nearby tree. 7:49pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and asleep.
April 17/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. Snow this morning, Winter-peg is back !! 6:04am FK awake, preening. 6:20am FK in door. 6:26am FK on door branch. 6:36am FK on wheel house. 6:46am FK gone from research area. 7:12am FK on nearby tree until 8:26am. 8:27am FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and on door branch. 8:28am FK gone from area. 8:45am FK on nearby tree. 8:49am FK gone. 9:28am FK on nearby tree. 9:42am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch then to nearby tree. 10:30am until 2:27pm MK and FK have been extremely active in the research area, spending the majority of time perched on various H.M.K.T. branches or on KP poles. A couple of times gone from the area less than 10 minutes. MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box eleven times. FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box seventeen times. MK perched on nearby tree seven times. FK perched on nearby tree five times. FK in K-2 nest box four times. Copulation occurred on H.M.K.T. eleven times and once on nearby tree. Frogs are on today’s menu, twice FK was eating frog and even had a frog inside the nest box. 2:50pm until 8:25pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box four times. FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box seventeen times. Copulation occurred on H.M.K.T. three times and once on nearby tree. FK eating frog on door branch after being in the nest box with it. Intruder male kestrel looked in H.M.K.T. nest box and flew away when MK arrived. At 7:37pm FK caught a Male Northern Flicker in the K-2 nest box and fighting happens inside before the flicker is able to get out of the box. Then MK looked in K-2 nest box, FK went in K-2 nest box to look around and then out, MK went in K-2 nest box to look around and then out. 8:28pm MK gone from area, FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then at 8:42pm was asleep.
April 18/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:52am FK awake, preening. 6:07am FK in door. 6:09am FK on door branch. 6:15am FK gone and on nearby tree. 6:25am both not in research area. 6:44am FK in K-2 nest box then out on nearby tree, MK looks in H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch. 6:55am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then out on door branch with MK. 6:59am FK again in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and on H.M.K.T., MK still on door branch. 7:11am until 4:50pm MK and FK spending the majority of time on the H.M.K.T. perched under and on the side of the nest box for protection from the wind and rain/snow mix. A couple of times gone from the area for a short time. Copulation occurred on H.M.K.T. once. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box six times for brief periods. MK in H.M.K.T. nest box eleven times. MK slept in H.M.K.T. nest box for an hour, another time he brought a bird in and stayed an hour then later returned and plucked the bird, eat some and then stored the rest in shavings. FK eventually went in H.M.K.T. nest box, got the bird and eat it on the door branch. FK in and out of K-2 nest box twice. MK in and out of K-2 nest box twice. FK on nearby tree five times and once eating a frog. 5:30pm FK on nearby tree. MK gone from area. 6:00pm FK in K-2 nest box then out and gone from area. 6:26pm FK in K-2 nest box, out on KP#3 then gone from area. 6:39pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box then on nearby tree. 6:41pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box and out on H.M.K.T. 6:54pm FK in and out of K-2 nest box, in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box twice then with MK on H.M.K.T. 7:05pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box twice then with FK on H.M.K.T. 7:22pm FK on door branch, goes to the ground and up on KP#4 eating food. MK gone. 7:37pm FK on nearby tree. 7:52pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box twice then sits on H.M.K.T. 8:01pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK flies, area then FK asleep.
April 19/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. Record was broken this year for the earliest arrival. Will MK and FK break another record ?? Today is 36 days from arrival of MK and FK. 41 days April 24/2024 will be a new record of the longest time to lay first egg. Click here to see graph and all arrival dates and first egg dates from as far back as 2014. 6:12am FK in door. 6:22am FK on wheel house. 6:37am MK arrives and on H.M.K.T. FK on wheel house. 6:37am MK in H.M.K.T. nest box asleep, FK on door branch, FK peeping at MK. 6:42am FK under H.M.K.T. nest box protecting herself from snow and wind. 7:17am MK in door then on door branch FK beside him on H.M.K.T. peeping then FK flies away. 7:31am MK out of area, FK on nearby tree. 7:57am FK and MK out of research area. 8:13am FK on nearby tree. 8:27am FK does a flying tour of research area, on nearby hydro wire, H.M.K.T. then looks in K-2 nest box then back on nearby tree. 8:40am MK arrives FK chases him and she is peeping, them FK on KP#2 then gone. 9:13am FK on KP#3. 9:37am MK on H.M.K.T. then FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and both gone. 10:07am until 10:39am FK on H.M.K.T. then gone. 11:22am MK with bird looks in H.M.K.T. nest box, on door branch. FK arrives, gets bird and eating on KP#4. 11:38am FK on nearby tree. 12:29pm FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on door branch. MK in K-2 nest box twice and sits on close tree. 12:53pm FK in K-2 nest box, out on KP#3 then gone. 1:22pm MK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box, on door branch then gone. 3:05pm until 3:41pm FK on nearby tree. 3:33pm until 3:42pm MK on H.M.K.T. using box for shelter. 3:50pm FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box, on door branch then back in and out on KP#3. 4:00pm MK gone, FK still on KP#3. 4:29pm FK on nearby tree. 4:45pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box, flies to FK on KP#2 and copulates, then on KP#3. 5:16pm both gone from area. 6:30pm FK on nearby tree. MK on H.M.K.T. 6:32pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box, FK lands on door branch, MK out of box and copulation occurs then both gone from area. 6:52pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box eating food, finished eating and out on nearby tree. 7:05pm FK on H.M.K.T. then gone. 7:55pm MK on H.M.K.T. with bird. FK arrives, gets bird and eating on KP#2 then stores it in tall grass by KP#4 and sits on KP#3. 8:03pm FK and MK on KP#3 then FK flies to 2024 favorite hunting tree. 8:11pm FK in K-2 nest box and sleeping. MK gone from area.
April 20/24 FK stayed the night in K-2 nest box. 5:50am FK awake and preening. 6:09am FK in door of K-2 nest box. 6:14am FK out and to nearby hydro wire. 6:36am FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box peeping, then on wheel house, MK arrives copulation occurs, then both sit on H.M.K.T. 6:46am MK flies and sits on nearby tree, FK still on wheel house. 6:49am FK gone from area. 6:57am MK looks in K-2 nest box then on K-2 tree, FK on nearby tree eating bird. 7:03am MK and FK on nearby tree FK still eating. 7:19am FK in and out with food H.M.K.T. nest box, door branch, then stores food under KP#1 in tall grass and sits on KP#2. 7:20am FK flies to MK on nearby tree, copulation occurs. 7:37am until 5:34pm FK and MK very active in the research area, spending the majority of time perched on various branches or on KP poles. Most of the time only one gone from the area at the same time. FK in K-2 nest box six times and in H.M.K.T. nest box ten times, scrapping and sitting in nest bowl in both boxes. MK in K-2 nest box four times and in H.M.K.T. nest box twice, scrapping and chatting. FK perched on nearby tree eleven times and MK four times. FK on H.M.K.T. three times and MK seven times. FK eating vole on nearby tree twice. Copulation occured on H.M.K.T. twice. 5:50pm FK on H.M.K.T. 5:54pm FK gets vole from MK and eating on nearby tree, MK on H.M.K.T. then gone. 6:03pm MK on H.M.K.T. with bird and FK takes it to nearby tree to eat. MK in H.M.K.T. nest box, out and sits on H.M.K.T. 6:14pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box preening, MK gone. 6:22pm FK out on door branch. MK in K-2 nest box, out and gone. 6:32pm FK on K-2 tree. MK in K-2 nest box then out on KP#3. FK in K-2 nest box then on K-2 tree. 7:15pm both gone from area. 7:54pm FK on nearby tree. 8:11pm FK and MK on H.M.K.T. and copulate. 8:14pm until 8:32pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box 5 times, each time chirping preening when out on door branch. FK on H.M.K.T. peeping the entire time. 8:32pm FK finally goes in H.M.K.T. nest box MK flies away. 8:37pm FK preening then asleep.
April 21/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:51am FK awake. 6:00am FK out on door branch. 6:10am FK gone and on 2024 favorite hunting tree. 6:24am MK on door branch the sits on 2024 favorite hunting tree with FK. 6:49am both gone from 2024 favorite hunting tree, FK on nearby tree, MK gone. 7:22am both gone from research area. 7:35am MK on door branch, then flies away at 7:40am. 7:41am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and out to door branch constantly peeping. 7:51am FK flies away then MK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then door branch preening. 8:14am FK in and out of K-2 nest box then on nearby tree, MK on H.M.K.T. 8:18am FK door branch peeping, MK arrives copulation occurs. 8:19am FK gone MK still on door branch. 8:24am MK gone from door branch. 9:06am MK and FK on H.M.K.T. MK has brought her a bird. 9:09am FK on nearby tree eating, MK on door branch. 9:34am MK flies and sits with FK on nearby tree. 10:10am till 10:43 FK still on nearby tree, MK gone from research area. 11:38am FK on H.M.K.T. then on nearby hydro wire. 12:06pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. sits on door branch. MK on H.M.K.T., in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box 3 times then on H.M.K.T. and gone. 12:10pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, out on door branch then gone. 12:20pm MK lands on H.M.K.T. and looks in box, on H.M.K.T. then gone. 12:30pm FK on KP#3 then gone. 1:07pm FK on nearby tree then gone. 1:17pm MK looks in H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T. then gone. 1:22pm FK lands on nearby tree then at 1:28pm flies out of area. 2:05pm FK on nearby tree then gone. MK still gone. 3:04pm both still gone from area. 3:15pm MK on H.M.K.T. with bird. FK arrives, takes bird to nearby tree and eating. 3:29pm FK lands on H.M.K.T. near MK. MK in and out of H.M.K.T. three times. 3:39pm MK flies out of area. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, sits on H.M.K.T. then on nearby tree. 4:51pm both gone from area. 5:08pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on wheel house then at 5:18pm flies out of area. 5:52pm FK on H.M.K.T., in and out of K-2 nest box then sits on nearby tree. 6:12pm until 6:25pm FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box, on H.M.K.T. MK in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapping. FK still on H.M.K.T. peeping. MK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on H.M.K.T. then copulation occurs and MK flies out of area. FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, sits on H.M.K.T. 6:40pm FK gone. 7:22pm FK on hydro wire, MK still gone. 7:32pm FK on KP#1. 7:47pm until 8:25pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. box seven times, when out sits on door branch chirping for FK. FK still on KP#1. 8:25pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, in door then out and gone from area. 8:27pm MK flies off door branch and sits on nearby tree. 8:34pm MK gone and FK still gone. 8:41pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, preening then asleep.
April 22/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. 5:54am FK awake. 6:04am FK in door. 6:07am FK on door branch. 6:17am MK and FK on H.M.K.T. 6:21am MK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch, FK wheel house. 6:25am MK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch, FK wheel house. 6:33am MK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch, FK wheel house. 6:36am copulation occurs on H.M.K.T. 6:40am MK gone FK on H.M.K.T. 6:42am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box scraping then on door branch peeping. 6:46am FK in K-2 nest box then out on K-2 tree with MK. 6:50am both gone from K-2 tree. 7:09am FK on nearby hydro wire. 7:45am FK on KP#4. 7:55am MK on K-2 tree then on nearby tree. 8:03am FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box and on door branchand gone. 8:13am MK on H.M.K.T. then gone. 8:28am both gone from research area. 10:07am FK on nearby tree. 10:55am FK on door branch. 11:01am until 11:59am FK and MK gone from research area. 11:59am FK on KP#2 eating frog, then flies away with frog and stores in evergreen. 12:01pm MK lands on H.M.K.T. with food. FK arrives, gets food and gone. MK on H.M.K.T., in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on door branch chirping. 12:10pm FK lands on H.M.K.T. with MK. MK then gone from area. 12:21pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, scraps and out on door branch then gone. 12:24pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box and gone. 12:42pm both still gone from area. 12:48pm FK on nearby tree until 1:55pm. 2:09pm both gone from research area. 2:23pm FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch. 2:28pm FK dives to ground from H.M.K.T and up to nearby tree with a vole. 3:14pm FK gone. 3:16pm FK in and out H.M.K.T nest box and on door branch then on H.M.K.T. 3:50pm until 4:10pm FK still on H.M.K.T. MK not in area. 4:10pm MK delivers food to FK, FK gets it and eating on nearby tree. MK on H.M.K.T. 4:48pm MK gone. FK in H.M.K.T. nest box and at 4:52pm out on door branch. 5:02pm until 7:18pm FK on nearby tree. 7:48pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box twice and sits on H.M.K.T. 7:58pm FK on evergreen, gets stored frog and on nearby tree eating. 8:31pm MK on H.M.K.T., flies to FK on nearby tree and copulates. 8:35pm MK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box, sits on door branch chirping. MK looks in K-2 nest box, sits on K-2 tree then goes in and out of K-2 nest box. 8:40pm MK back beside FK on nearby tree. 8:43pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, MK gone from area. 8:56pm FK asleep in H.M.K.T. nest box.
April 23/24 FK stayed the night in H.M.K.T. nest box. Record was broken this year for the earliest arrival. Will MK and FK break another record ?? Today is 40 days from arrival of MK and FK. 41 days April 24/2024 will be a new record of the longest time to lay first egg. Click here to see graph and all arrival dates and first egg dates from as far back as 2014. 5:49am FK awake, then back to sleep. 5:59am FK awake and preening. 6:02am FK out on door branch. 6:19am FK gone from door branch and on KP#2 peeping. 6:27am MK on KP#3 FK still on KP#2 peeping. 6:34am MK gone , FK same. 6:39am FK on nearby hydro wire. 7:13am FK gone from research area. 7:52am FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then on door branch, MK arrives copulation occurs, MK flies away. 7:57am FK in H.M.K.T nest box the on door branch peeping the flies away. 8;48am both gone from research area. 9:06am FK in and out H.M.K.T. nest box then gone. 10:10am to 11:10am both not in area. 11:11am both arives on door branch Mk give FK a vole, copulation occurs, both on KP#4. 11:17 FK gone with vole ,MK still on KP#4. 11:23am MK now gone FK on KP#2, then to K-2 tree then in H.M.K.T. nest box scrapes. 11:27am to 12:14pm FK on door branch and wheel house. 12:15pm FK on KP#2. 12:27pm both not in research area. 1:04pm FK on nearby tree, MK still not in area. 1:32pm FK on KP#2. 1:37pm FK on nearby tree. 2:13pm to 3:05pm FK and MK not in research area. 3:23pm FK on KP#3 eating. FK on KP#2 4:02pm. 4:03pm until 4:28pm FK and MK not in research area. 4:33pm FK on nearby tree. 4:35pm MK looks in H.M.K.T. nest box and sits on door branch. 4:37pm MK dives to ground and sits on KP#4, then gone from area. FK still on nearby tree. 4:40pm FK gone from area. 6:12pm both still gone from area. 6:54pm until 7:23pm FK on KP#2. 7:29pm FK on H.M.K.T., MK still gone from area. 7:37pm FK in and out of H.M.K.T. nest box three times and sits on door branch. MK arrives, in H.M.K.T. nest box and out on door branch. FK peeping, MK preening. 7:45pm MK in H.M.K.T. nest box and back out on door branch. FK continues to peep. 7:59pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box then in door. MK flies away and gone from area. FK out of H.M.K.T. nest box on nearby tree. 8:23pm MK looks in H.M.K.T. nest box, sits on H.M.K.T., FK still on nearby tree. 8:28pm FK in H.M.K.T. nest box, picking shavings. MK flies out of area. 8:32pm FK out on door branch. 8:48pm FK back in H.M.K.T. nest box, preening then asleep.